Dementia and cognition supplement for home care

This supplement helps home care providers with the cost of caring for people who have moderate to severe cognitive impairment. Find out about eligibility, using cognitive assessment tools to assess care recipients, how to apply, and what to do if circumstances change.

Applies to

This supplement is for approved providers of Home Care Packages

It automatically applies to the following types of flexible care: 

  • Multi-Purpose Services 
  • National Aboriginal and the Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Programme  
  • Transition Care Program.

What is the supplement?

This supplement helps with the cost of caring for people with moderate to severe cognitive impairment from dementia or other conditions.

Supplement rate

View the current supplement rate in the Schedule of Subsidies and Supplements.  


You can only assess your care recipients’ eligibility using one of the following assessment tools.

A diagnosis of dementia alone is not sufficient. A person diagnosed with dementia may not be moderately or severely cognitively impaired. Care recipients with lower levels of cognitive impairment are not eligible for the supplement.

Culturally and linguistically diverse care recipients

Care recipients from a culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) background must score 22 or lower on the Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS) to be eligible for the supplement.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander care recipients

An Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person living in a rural or remote area must score 33 or lower using the Kimberley Indigenous Cognitive Assessment (KICA-Cog) to be eligible for the supplement.

All other care recipients

All other care recipients must score 10 or higher on the Psychogeriatric Assessment Scales (PAS) to be eligible for the supplement.

Use one of the following scales, depending on which is suitable for the care recipient:

Read the PAS User Guide to find out how to do a PAS assessment using these scales.


If your care recipient is eligible for both the veterans’ supplement and the dementia and cognition supplement, you will only receive the veterans’ supplement.

Who can do the assessments

When assessing dementia and cognition supplement eligibility, the PAS and RUDAS assessments can be done by:

  • a registered nurse
  • a clinical nurse consultant
  • a nurse practitioner
  • a clinical psychologist
  • a medical practitioner.

The KICA-Cog assessment can be done by:

How to apply

If you’re a home care provider:

  1. assess your care recipient
  2. record the results
  3. keep proof of eligibility with the care recipient’s records
  4. apply for the dementia and cognition supplement online with Services Australia.

Services Australia aged care providers enquiry line

Call Services Australia for help with aged care claims and payments. This includes supplement claims, approved provider forms, online claiming registrations, and transitional and respite care extensions.

Your organisation’s monthly payment statement from Services Australia will contain information about your client’s eligibility and will list payments against their name.

If circumstances change

If a care recipient has been assessed as eligible for the dementia and cognition supplement and their package level or provider changes, their eligibility for the supplement does not need to be reassessed.  

While eligibility for the dementia and cognition supplement does not lapse if a care recipient changes providers, as the new home care provider you should check your monthly payment statement to confirm that the supplement is being paid and request a copy of the assessment that was used to determine eligibility from the previous home care provider.

If your care recipient stops their services with you, you can still submit an application for the supplement for the period up to when you stopped providing home care services to the care recipient.

In these instances you need to make sure:

  • the care recipient was eligible up until the date they stopped services; and
  • that you enter the end date to avoid overpayment.


Aged care subsidies and supplements contact

Email us if you have questions about aged care subsidies or supplements for approved providers.
Date last updated:

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