24/7 registered nurse supplement for residential aged care

As an approved provider of residential aged care, you may be eligible for a supplement to help you have at least one registered nurse (RN) onsite and on duty at all times.

About the 24/7 RN supplement

The supplement is non-means tested and helps you employ extra RNs to meet the requirement to have an RN onsite and on duty at all times


Your facility is eligible for the supplement if it: 

  • has no more than 50 residents per day, (based on occupied bed days) on average, over a calendar month
  • provides a minimum of 21 hours of RN coverage a day (on average) over a calendar month, or 87.5% of the time
  • submits a 24/7 RN report on time, by the 7th calendar day, after the end of the reporting month
  • is not exempt from the 24/7 RN responsibility for any of the days during the reporting month.

The minimum RN coverage will continue to be reviewed regularly and may be increased in the future. We set this to allow for unplanned absences and to give you time to recruit RNs as you work towards full RN coverage.

Support for smaller facilities

A separate reduced-rate supplement is available to support smaller facilities that provide RN coverage at least 50% of the time. This is set at half the supplement rate that would have otherwise been payable if eligible for the full rate. This helps smaller facilities grow their workforce to provide 24/7 RN coverage.

The reduced rate supplement does not affect the standard full rate 24/7 RN supplement. You will continue to receive the supplement in full if you meet all the eligibility criteria

To receive the reduced rate supplement, your facility must:

  • have no more than 30 residents per day, (based on occupied bed days) on average, over a calendar month
  • provide at least 12 hours (50% of the time) and less than 21 hours (87.5% of the time) of RN coverage a day, on average over a calendar month
  • submit a 24/7 RN report on time, by the 7th calendar day, after the end of the reporting month
  • not be exempt from the 24/7 RN responsibility for any of the days during the reporting month.

The minimum of 12 hours of RN coverage a day will be reviewed regularly and may be increased in the future. 

Co-located services

If multiple services are co-located at a facility, we will combine the number of occupied places. If eligible, each service will receive a portion of the supplement based on the number of residents cared for during the claim month.

If the combined average is more than 50 residents per day, over the month, the facility will not be eligible. This is the case even if your service, individually, has fewer than 50 residents.

Flexible care

The 24/7 RN supplement does not apply to flexible care services, including Multi‑purpose Services (MPS).

Exempt facilities

Facilities that are exempt from the 24/7 RN responsibility will not receive the supplement.

Supplement rate

The 24/7 RN supplement rate is based on the:

  • average occupied bed days during a calendar month in your facility
  • location of your facility. 

You will receive a higher rate of funding if your facility:

  • has fewer average occupied bed days
  • is in a remote location to account for the extra costs that come with working in these areas (with separate rates for Modified Monash (MM) 1, MM 2-3, MM 4-5, and MM 6-7).

Check the rates in the Schedule of Subsides and Supplements for Aged Care.

Getting the supplement

You do not need to apply for the 24/7 RN supplement. 

If you are eligible, Services Australia will pay it monthly in line with other residential aged care subsidies and supplements. 

Learn more


Date last updated:

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