EACH-D top-up supplement for aged care

The top-up supplement supports aged care residents who had an Extended Aged Care at Home — Dementia (EACH-D) package. Find out how to access the supplement and how much you may be eligible for.

Applies to

This top-up supplement is for providers of Home Care Packages (HCP).

What is the supplement?

This supplement tops up the dementia and cognition supplement. It’s for people who had an EACH-D package before transferring to a home care level 4 package plus dementia and cognition supplement.

This supplement ensures any change in funding levels does not disadvantage those people under the HCP.

Supplement rate

View the current supplement rate in the Schedule of Subsidies and Supplements.


The top-up supplement is paid to providers on behalf of eligible care recipients who received an EACH-D package before 1 August 2013.

How to apply

You do not need to apply. 

Services Australia automatically pays this supplement for eligible care recipients.


Aged care subsidies and supplements contact

Email us if you have questions about aged care subsidies or supplements for approved providers.
Date last updated:

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