Higher accommodation supplement for aged care

The higher accommodation supplement helps to pay for some of the costs of permanent resident accommodation. This higher rate applies to newly refurbished facilities. Find out whether you’re eligible and how to apply.

Applies to

This supplement is for residential aged care providers.

What is the supplement?

The Australian Government pays residential aged care providers an accommodation supplement on behalf of residents who:

  • entered care on or after 20 March 2008
  • are eligible for help with their accommodation costs

This higher rate for new and refurbished facilities encourages providers to improve the quality of their amenities.

Supplement rate

View the current supplement rate in the Schedule of Subsidies and Supplements.


Eligible providers are:

  • new residential aged care homes completed on or after 20 April 2012
  • existing residential aged care homes that were significantly refurbished on or after 20 April 2012

Homes not built or significantly refurbished after 20 April 2012 may be eligible for the standard accommodation supplement.

How to apply

Providers with new homes built after 20 April 2012 do not need to apply. Services Australia will automatically pay this supplement on behalf of eligible residents.

Providers of refurbished homes and providers planning to refurbish can apply online.

You must complete a separate application for each aged care home you have refurbished or are planning to refurbish.

A definition of a significantly refurbished aged care home is in Section 52 of the Subsidy Principles 2014.

Read the guidelines before starting an application.


If over a calendar month as a whole, a service has less than 40% supported residents (excluding respite care recipients and residents in extra service places), a 25% reduction will be applied to the maximum rate of accommodation supplement on every day in that month.

Providers with new aged care homes will receive their higher payment from the date they were completed.

Providers with refurbished homes will receive their higher payment from the date we receive the application.

Providers seeking pre-approval will receive higher payment from when their refurbishment is completed.


Aged care subsidies and supplements contact

Email us if you have questions about aged care subsidies or supplements for approved providers.
Date last updated:

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