Aged care subsidies and supplements

Subsidies are for approved providers of home care, residential aged care and flexible care. The Australian Government pays subsidies on behalf of each person receiving government-subsidised aged care. The Government also pays supplements to help with the cost of meeting specific care needs.


The Australian Government pays approved providers a subsidy for each person receiving government-subsidised aged care. Paying subsidies is one of the main ways the Government funds aged care in Australia. 

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Supplements help to cover the cost of meeting specific care needs. The Government includes supplement amounts in subsidy or grant payments. 

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Following is a list of all aged care supplements. Find out about the care types they apply to, eligibility and whether you need to apply.

Subsidy and supplement rates

Schedule of Subsidies and Supplements for Aged Care

The schedule lists the daily rates of subsidies and supplements for government-subsidised aged care. It includes rates for home care, residential aged care, transition care and short-term restorative care (STRC).
Date last updated:

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