Hotelling supplement for residential aged care

Approved providers of residential aged care receive a supplement to help meet hotelling costs. This includes costs such as employing staff for services such as catering, cleaning and gardening.

Supplement increase

From 20 September 2024, the hotelling supplement increases to support the Fair Work Commission’s stage 3 decision on the Aged Care Work Value case. This means an award wage increase for many aged care workers.

Hotelling supplement rate

The hotelling supplement rate is paid per resident per day.

The hotelling supplement will be indexed on 20 March and 20 September each year.

See the supplement rate in the Schedule of Subsidies and Supplements from 1 July 2023.


All residential aged care services excluding those in the Multi-Purpose Services Program will receive the hotelling supplement.

Multi-Purpose Service providers instead receive separate basic daily fee supplement equivalent amounts.

How to apply

Providers do not need to apply for the hotelling supplement.

Services Australia will automatically pay the supplement to eligible services.

The hotelling supplement is paid monthly in line with other residential aged care subsidies and supplements.


Email if you have questions about aged care subsidies or supplements for approved providers.

Date last updated:

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