2024–25 Multi-Purposes Services allocations round (residential care places)

The 2024–25 allocations round is a competitive application process. Approved providers of residential care in Multi-Purpose Services, can apply for residential care places to expand existing services or establish new services. We will not allocate MPS home care places through this round.

Invitation to apply for residential care places

Approved providers of Multi-Purpose Services can now apply for residential care places for existing or new services.

Up to 100 places are available in this round.

Closing date and lodgment of applications

The closing date for submitting applications is 2pm AEST, Friday 25 October 2024. 

You must:

  • use the Microsoft Word version of the application form to complete your proposal
  • submit your application(s) and associated attachments by email.

If you have difficulty downloading any documents contact us.   

Application forms 

Residential care places to establish a new service

If you are seeking places to establish a new Multi-Purpose Service, complete:

Residential care places to expand an existing service

If you are seeking additional residential care places to expand an existing Multi-Purpose Service, complete:

Application guide

Read the application guide for more information on completing your application. 

We strongly encourage that you familiarise yourself with the provisions of the Aged Care Act 1997 and associated subordinate legislation before lodging an application. 


Multi-Purpose Services Program contact

Contact us if you have questions about the Multi-Purpose Services Program or want more information about flexible aged care services in rural and remote areas.
Date last updated:

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