Flexible aged care places (Multi-Purpose Services) allocations round 2022–23

See who received an allocation of flexible aged care places for Multi-Purpose Services (MPS) in the 2022–23 allocations round and where they are located.


The 2022–23 allocations round was finalised on 31 October 2023 with all new places available from 1 December 2023.


The 2022–23 round allocated 58 new places to create 3 new and expand 4 existing MPS:

  • 43 new residential aged care places in New South Wales
  • 4 new residential aged care places in Northern Territory
  • 11 new residential aged care places in South Australia.

We estimate that this will increase annual funding by around $4.5 million.

Summary of results

Allocation of flexible care places went to the following new and existing MPS:

Approved providerAged care planning regionMPS locationNew flexible places
Murrumbidgee Local Health DistrictRiverina/MurrayHay19
Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health DistrictCentral WestPortland Tabulam22
Hunter New England Local Health DistrictNew EnglandTingha (expansion)1
Hunter New England Local Health DistrictHunterDenman (expansion)1
Northern Territory HealthBarklyTennant Creek4
Mid-West Health and Aged CareEyre PeninsulaWudinna (expansion)2
Mid-West Health and Aged CareEyre PeninsulaStreaky Bay (expansion)9
Date last updated:

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