Healthy Food Partnership Reformulation Program information brochure
This Healthy Food Partnership Reformulation Program information brochure provides a handy summary of the Partnership Reformulation Program.
Industry Guide to Voluntary Serving Size Reduction – Reporting and Monitoring template
The Industry Guide to Voluntary Serving Size Reduction Reporting and Monitoring template is to be used by participating companies to report the serving sizes of their products at baseline (2023) and 2-yearly.
Partnership Reformulation Program – Food category definitions
Fact sheet
This document includes the food categories and reformulation targets that make up the Partnership Reformulation Program and what products in each category are included or not.
Healthy Food Partnership – Industry Guide to Voluntary Serving Size Reduction – Implementation and monitoring plan
This guide informs and support food companies to determine appropriate serving sizes for food and drinks to support consumers to manage their energy intakes. It provides serving size recommendations for 9 priority food categories.
Healthy Food Partnership – Industry guide to voluntary serving size reduction – Sign-up form
Use this form to sign up to the Healthy Food Partnership and commit to the recommendations in the Healthy Food Partnership guide to voluntary serving size reduction.
Healthy Food Partnership Program – Executive Committee communique – May 2024
Meeting minutes
This communique presents a summary of discussions and decisions by the Healthy Food Partnership Program Executive Committee from their 17th meeting held on 23 May 2024.
Healthy Food Partnership Plan for 2023-2027
This infographic sets out the Healthy Food Partnership Plan for 2023-2027.
Partnership Reformulation Program – Summary of food categories and reformulation targets
Fact sheet
This document provides a quick reference guide for the sodium, sugar and saturated fat reduction targets for each food categories, as part of the Partnership Reformulation Program.
Healthy Food Partnership Program – Executive Committee communique – December 2023
Fact sheet
This document presents a summary of discussions and decisions by the Healthy Food Partnership Program Executive Committee at its December 2023 meeting.
Healthy Food Partnership Reformulation Program information pack
Fact sheet
Information about the Healthy Food Partnership Reformulation Program.
Healthy Food Partnership Reformulation Program Sign-Up Form
This form provides information on how to sign up to the Healthy Food Partnership Reformulation Program.
Industry Guide to Voluntary Serving Size Reduction – Food Category Definitions
This document outlines the food categories included in the Industry Guide to Voluntary Serving Size Reduction, the (maximum) recommended serving size for each category, and which food products within those categories are included.
Industry Guide to Voluntary Serving Size Reduction – Summary of Submissions
This report provides a provides a summary and analysis of the public consultation (open for 6 weeks, from 24 July 2021 through to 4 August 2021) and additional targeted consultation conducted on the Sweetened Beverages and Cakes categories (November 2021).
Industry Guide to Voluntary Serving Size Reduction – Rationale
This document provides the background and rationale for the development of the Industry Guide to Voluntary Serving Size Reduction.
Industry Guide to Voluntary Serving Size Reduction
The Industry Guide to Voluntary Serving Size Reduction helps food companies to set appropriate serving sizes for food and beverages. The guide outlines voluntary maximum serving size recommendations for 11 discretionary food and beverage categories.
Healthy Food Partnership Program – Executive Committee communique – December 2022
Fact sheet
This document presents a summary of discussions and decisions by the Healthy Food Partnership Program Executive Committee at its December 2022 meeting.
Healthy Food Partnership Program – Executive Committee communique – August 2021
Meeting minutes
This document is a summary of the Healthy Food Partnership Program Executive Committee's August 2021 meeting.
Partnership Reformulation Program – Implementation plan
Strategy or framework
This implementation plan details the actions we will take to implement the Partnership Reformulation Program. This includes stakeholder engagement, risk management strategies, the monitoring and reporting framework and considerations for evaluation.
Healthy Food Partnership Program – Executive Committee communique – March 2021
Meeting minutes
This document is a summary of the Healthy Food Partnership Program Executive Committee's March 2021 meeting.
A Rapid Review of Australia’s Food Culture
This report was commissioned by Department for the Healthy Food Partnership. It provides an overview of the current work addressing Australia's food culture, the evidence base behind promoting positive food culture and insights into improving future efforts to address food culture.
Partnership Reformulation Program – Risk assessment report
This document identifies potential risks from reducing saturated fat, sodium and sugar from processed and manufactured foods and drinks, as part of the Partnership Reformulation Program. It also identifies way to manage or minimises those risks.
Partnership Reformulation Program – Rationale paper
This document provides an overview of the process that the Reformulation Working Group followed to develop draft sodium, sugar and saturated fat reduction targets as part of the Partnership Reformulation Program.
Partnership Reformulation Program – Summary of submissions and Reformulation Working Group considerations
This report provides a summary and analysis of the public consultation comments we received on the proposed sodium, sugar and saturated fats targets set under the Partnership Reformulation Program.
Healthy Food Partnership Program – Executive Committee communique – February 2020
Meeting minutes
This document is a summary of the Healthy Food Partnership Program – Executive Committee's February 2020 meeting.
Portion size terminology fact sheet
Fact sheet
This document describes the amount of food and beverages that Australians consume.
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