Actions summary
Actions under way
To promote healthy ageing, independence and choice, we are:
- strengthening the healthy ageing support tool, LiveUp, to provide free information and resources on healthy ageing
- improving digital and health literacy, including promoting Be Connected, to increase the confidence, skills and online safety of older people
- supporting smart devices and home monitoring innovation, to improve the care and wellbeing of older people.
To simplify user experience, we are:
- improving access to information and navigation on My Aged Care, to make it easier for older people and their support networks to make informed choices
- developing aged care digital design standards, to provide clarity and consistency for technology developers and vendors.
To maximise time for direct care, we are:
- developing and testing a framework to lead work to start using virtual nursing to deliver safe and high-quality aged care
- delivering a stable and secure e-prescribing service to give older people more choice and support electronic medication charts
- supporting aged care workers’ digital literacy with frameworks, guidelines, resources and tools
- strengthening the wellness and reablement support tool, KeepAbleTM, to support those involved in rehabilitation, respite, reablement and restorative care
- launching the Integrated Assessment Tool app to enable assessors to collect more complete information and record older people’s individual stories.
To strengthen care connections, we are:
- integrating aged care support plans to My Health Record, with consent, to support better coordinated care
- working with software vendors to make the aged care transfer summary conformant with My Health Record to better support older people moving from residential aged care to acute hospital care.
To improve security and access control, we are:
- developing an aged care data governance framework to guide our work for data security, sharing and release, using compatible systems that protect privacy.
To enhance data collection and use, we are:
- launching the Government Provider Management System (GPMS) to make it easier for service providers to self-manage, view and maintain their information in real time
- expanding the Aged Care National Minimum Data Set to make national aged care data more accurate and consistent
- combining datasets in the National Aged Care Data Asset to better identify gaps and improvements we can make to aged care
- establishing Aged Care Clinical Information System Standards to improve clinical safety and coordination of care.
To build and embed data and digital maturity, we are:
- automating data sharing between providers and government through the Business to Government (B2G) developer portal
- supporting providers digital maturity, so they use technology more effectively
- developing a reference architecture showing how data flows through the aged care system to provide certainty about longer-term technology investments.
To encourage innovation and provide stewardship, we are:
- investigating and trialling safely using artificial intelligence (AI) and other new technologies to increase efficiency and improve aged care
- develop and run pilots that explore the potential of AI in providing better information and improving aged care
- develop and run trials to explore the potential of virtual reality trials to improve aged care service delivery.
Action plan – Aged Care Data and Digital Strategy 2024–2029
This Action Plan underpins the Aged Care Data and Digital Strategy, outlining how we will deliver strategy outcomes. Actions are presented under each priority and outcome, which will collectively achieve the strategy’s vision.
Date last updated: