Aged Care Data and Digital Strategy for government

Accurate, real-time data and system compatibility will help all levels of government manage and monitor aged care services compliance with legislative requirements, direct funding and policy efforts effectively, cut red tape, and improve the quality of aged care.

Benefits of the strategy for government

Our work under the Aged Care Data and Digital Strategy will support government by: 

  • providing accurate, real-time data to manage and monitor aged care services
  • improving data collection to help guide funding, programs and policies
  • ensuring provider and government systems are compatible, to reduce administrative tasks and improve reporting accuracy
  • connecting care sectors, including health, disability and veterans’ care.

Read more about the strategy

The strategy in action

Outcomes 3 and 4 focus on the benefits for all levels of government.

Sharing data securely

Outcome 3 aims to ensure data is shared and reused securely to deliver a sustainable and continually improving aged care system.

The 2 priorities under this outcome are: 

  • Priority 5: Improve security and access control to ensure aged care information is secure and reliable
  • Priority 6: Optimise data collection and use.

Innovative and mature systems

Outcome 4 aims to ensure modern data and digital foundations underpin a collaborative, standards-based care system that is safe and secure.

Under this outcome, priority 7 is to build and embed data and digital maturity across the sector. 

See all the actions and initiatives we are putting in place as we implement the strategy. 

Date last updated:

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