125 results
Better Access Evaluation – Clinical Advisory Group
The Better Access Evaluation – Clinical Advisory Group (CAG) has been established to give input, advice and feedback on the evaluation of the Better Access initiative. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Services Data Advisory Group
The Health Services Data Advisory Group (HS DAG) advises us on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health data. It also contributes to the development and continuous improvement of the Health Data Portal, which collects key data. -
Advisory Committee for the COVID-19 Response for People with Disability
The Advisory Committee for the COVID-19 Response for People with Disability provides advice to the Chief Medical Officer about the needs of people with disability during the COVID-19 pandemic. -
Advisory Committee on Vaccines (ACV)
The Advisory Committee on Vaccines (ACV) provides independent medical and scientific advice to the Minister for Health and the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). -
Aged Care Advisory Group
The Aged Care Advisory Group advises the Australian Health Protection Committee about aged care policy related to infectious diseases and emergency preparedness. It brings together expertise about the aged care sector, infection control, emergency preparedness and public health response. -
Aged Care Council of Elders
Older people have a formal voice to government on ageing and aged care through the members of the Aged Care Council of Elders. -
Aged Care Diversity Consultative Committee
The Aged Care Diversity Consultative Committee advises us on how the aged care system can better cater to people from diverse backgrounds and with diverse needs and life experience. -
Aged Care Financing Authority (ACFA)
ACFA operated from 2012 following the Living Longer Living Better reforms to aged care until 30 June 2021. It provided independent advice about aged care funding and financing to the Australian Government, including the provision of an annual report on the funding of the aged care industry. -
Aged Care Taskforce
The Aged Care Taskforce reviewed funding arrangements for aged care and developed options for a system that is fair and equitable for everyone in Australia. -
Aged Care Transition Taskforce
The Aged Care Transition Taskforce (Transition Taskforce) was announced by the Australian Government to help the aged care sector transition to the Aged Care Act 2024. -
Allied Health Industry Reference Group
The Allied Health Industry Reference Group (AHIRG) provides a national forum to discuss key issues related to allied health. -
Australian Brain Cancer Mission Expert Advisory Panel
The Australian Brain Cancer Mission Expert Advisory Panel advises the government on the research priorities for this Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) Mission. -
Australian Community Pharmacy Authority (ACPA)
The ACPA is an independent statutory body that considers applications for approval to supply pharmaceutical benefits and recommends whether they should be approved. -
Australian Health Protection Committee (AHPC)
This committee (formerly called the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee, or AHPPC) is the key decision-making committee for health emergencies. Australia's Chief Medical Officer chairs the AHPC, which includes all state and territory Chief Health Officers. -
Australian Medical Research Advisory Board (AMRAB)
The Australian Medical Research Advisory Board (AMRAB) advises the Minister for Health and Aged Care on prioritising spending from the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF). -
Australian National Advisory Council on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ANACAD)
ANACAD advises the Australian Government on issues related to alcohol and other drugs. -
Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI)
The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) advises the Minister for Health and Aged Care on the National Immunisation Program (NIP) and other immunisation issues. -
Better Access Evaluation – Stakeholder engagement group
The Better Access Evaluation – Stakeholder engagement group (SEG) has been established to consult on the evaluation of the Better Access initiative. -
Better Renal Services Steering Committee
The Better Renal Services Steering Committee provides advice to the Minister for Health and Aged Care. It advises on implementing the Better Renal Services for First Nations Peoples Budget measure. -
Bilateral Regional Health Forum
The Bilateral Regional Health Forum supports the health needs of people in rural, regional and remote New South Wales. The forum discusses rural health issues and ensures a collaborative approach to regional health outcomes. -
Blood Borne Viruses and Sexually Transmissible Infections Standing Committee (BBVSS)
The BBVSS provides strategic advice to the Health Chief Executives Forum as part of a coordinated response to bloodborne viruses (BBV) and sexually transmissible infections (STI) across Australia. -
BreastScreen Australia Clinical Advisory Group (CAG)
The BreastScreen Australia Clinical Advisory Group (CAG) provides expert advice to the BreastScreen Australia Program about clinical issues. -
Cancer and Population Screening Committee
The Cancer and Population Screening Committee provides strategic policy advice for national population screening and cancer control. -
Cardiovascular Health Mission Expert Advisory Panel
The Cardiovascular Health Mission Expert Advisory Panel advises the government on the research priorities for this Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) mission. -
Childhood Mental Health Research Plan Expert Advisory Panel
This Expert Advisory Panel (EAP) advised on research investments under the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) to improve the mental health of children.