Aged Care Financing Authority (ACFA)

ACFA operated from 2012 following the Living Longer Living Better reforms to aged care until 30 June 2021. It provided independent advice about aged care funding and financing to the Australian Government, including the provision of an annual report on the funding of the aged care industry.


ACFA’s role was to:

  • provide independent advice to the Australian Government on aged care funding and financing issues
  • in giving advice, consult with consumers, the aged care sector and the finance sector about these issues


Read ACFA’s advice to the Government published between 2018 and 2021:

View earlier ACFA advice on the National Library Web Archive.

Annual reports on funding and financing of the aged care industry

Each year of its operation ACFA presented a report on aged care funding and financing to the Government.

These reports looked at the issues and challenges facing the industry. They also provide statistics and analysis of aged care in Australia.

View past reports on aged care funding and financing on the National Library Web Archive.

Operations reports

At the end of each financial year, ACFA presented a report on its operations to the Government.

View older ACFA operations reports on the National Library Web Archive:


If you have questions about ACFA, contact us through our general enquiries form.

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