Ongoing care discussions for residential aged care

As a residential aged care provider, you must have ongoing discussions with residents. Ongoing discussions help you to manage their care, make sure your services meet their care needs and goals, and identify any issues or concerns.

What are ongoing care discussions?

Ongoing care discussions are regular conversations with your residents to:

  • help you manage their care
  • make sure your care and services are meeting their needs

Ongoing assessment and planning with residents is standard 2 of the Aged Care Quality Standards.

What to discuss

Your ongoing assessment and planning:

  • is based on an ongoing partnership with the resident and their support people, if requested
  • includes other organisations, people and services linked with the resident
  • has results that are communicated and documented in the resident’s agreements

You should discuss with your resident:

Translation support

Quality of care includes making sure the resident understands their care and services, and their rights and responsibilities.

As an approved provider, you can use the National Translating and Interpreting Service.

Date last updated:

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