Supplements for residential aged care

The Australian Government pays supplements to help aged care providers with the cost of meeting specific care needs. As a residential aged care provider, you get supplements on behalf of eligible people in your care.

About residential aged care supplements

The Australian Government pays supplements to help with:

  • the cost of meeting specific care needs
  • accommodation costs, if people can’t afford them

If you have eligible residents, you get the supplement on their behalf. Supplement amounts are included in your subsidy payments.

When a resident is on some types of temporary leave, you will still get the subsidy up to a certain number of days.

Types of supplements

These are the supplements that apply to residential aged care. Find out about eligibility for each supplement, whether you need to apply and how to apply.

Primary supplements:

Other residential aged care supplements:

Current rates

View the daily supplement rates in the Schedule of Subsidies and Supplements.

Who sets the supplement rates

The Australian Government sets the supplement rates. From 1 July 2023, annual funding increases in residential care will be informed by advice from the Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority.

When supplements can vary

Supplement rate changes

Care-related supplements are indexed once a year on 1 July. Accommodation-related supplements are indexed twice a year on 20 March and 20 September, in line with pension increases.

Temporary leave

If a person takes leave from residential care, the Government may stop paying some supplements. It depends on how long their leave is for. Find out how leave affects supplement payments.

Supporting legislation

Details on the residential aged care subsidy eligibility for supplements are in:


Aged care subsidies and supplements contact

Email us if you have questions about aged care subsidies or supplements for approved providers.
Date last updated:

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