Moving from Home Care Packages to residential aged care

If a care recipient needs higher levels of care than can be met through a Home Care Package, they may consider moving to permanent residential aged care. Find out about options available, reassessment and the transition process.

Meeting changing care needs

The Home Care Packages Program addresses the level of need between the entry level Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) and residential aged care, which provides 24/7 supports. 

Some care recipients require a higher level of support than what a Home Care Package can provide. 

If Home Care Packages no longer meets a care recipient’s needs

If a care recipient is already on a Level 4 package, but needs a higher level of care, they may need to consider other options including: 


If a care recipient is considering moving to residential aged care, they may need a reassessment by an aged care assessor. 

Care recipients can request a Support Plan Review themselves by calling My Aged Care.

If your care recipient asks, you can help arrange an aged care assessment by submitting a Support Plan Review request via the My Aged Care Services and Support Portal

Learn when to request a Support Plan Review

Provide documentation

When submitting a Support Plan Review, you will need to attach supporting documentation about the care recipient’s care arrangements – for example, their individualised budget or care plan. 

The My Aged Care Contact Centre will also request this information when submitting Support Plan Review requests on behalf of providers.

Cessation date

Where a care recipient moves into permanent residential aged care, the Home Care Package subsidy stops on their start date with their residential aged care provider. 

It is important that you agree with the care recipient and their residential aged care provider on:

  • the cessation date for their package 
  • the start date for residential aged care. 

This will ensure the subsidy is paid correctly.

Unexpected entry into residential aged care

Sometimes entry to permanent residential care is not planned – for example, after hospitalisation or transition care

You should plan with care recipients when negotiating their Home Care Agreement on how to be notified about entry into permanent residential aged care. This will ensure that you can immediately stop your services. 

You should also establish relationships with hospitals and residential aged care services in your region to support continuity of care for your care recipients.

If a care recipient does not notify you

Where a care recipient knowingly enters permanent residential aged care, they must notify you.

If the care recipient does not alert you, depending on the terms of the Home Care Agreement, they may be liable to pay privately for any Home Care Package care and services delivered while they are in permanent residential aged care. 

Release of unspent funds

When a care recipient exits your service, you must:

If the care recipient stays in permanent residential aged care for more than 70 days, they will:

  • lose their government portion of unspent funds
  • where relevant, receive a refund for the care recipient portion of unspent funds.
Date last updated:

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