About the Home Care Packages Program
Home Care Packages provide a coordinated mix of care and services that can include:
- help with household tasks
- aids and equipment (such as walking frames)
- minor home modifications
- personal care
- clinical care such as nursing, allied health and physiotherapy services.
The program uses a consumer-directed care approach to make sure the support suits an individual’s assessed needs and goals.
There are 4 levels of Home Care Packages – from level 1 for basic care needs to level 4 for high care needs.
Why the program is important
We know that most people want to stay at home for as long as possible as they get older.
The Home Care Packages Program addresses the level of need between the entry-level Commonwealth Home Support Programme and residential aged care, which provides access to 24/7 support.
Home Care Packages provides individualised support to help people stay at home longer and delay entry into residential aged care.
If you’re an older person, read more about Home Care Packages on the My Aged Care website.
To find out whether you're eligible for government-funded aged care services, you can apply for an assessment online.
Goals of the program
The Home Care Packages Program aims to help older people live safely and independently at home for longer.
Learn who is eligible and what services it does and doesn’t fund.
How the program works
To access the Home Care Packages Program, older people must first be assessed by an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT).
Find out how packages are assigned and funded, and how services are delivered.
Program governance
Three government agencies develop, manage, and monitor the Home Care Packages Program. This aims to ensure all approved providers:
- meet their responsibilities
- administer the program correctly
- deliver high-quality services safely.
Read more about how we govern the program.
As an approved provider of the Home Care Packages Program, you must meet all compliance requirements and legislation, including:
- comply with the Aged Care Act 1997
- meeting the Aged Care Quality Standards
- supporting the Charter of Aged Care Rights.
If the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission finds that you are not meeting your responsibilities, they will take action.
Learn more about regulation, compliance and the legislation that applies to Home Care Packages.
Learn more
For more information, see the: