Government support for providers and workers

We provide support to Australian Government-funded residential aged care services in managing COVID-19 outbreaks. Read about the supports for the sector and how we assist with COVID-19 outbreak management planning.

Aged Care Outbreak Management Support Supplement

The Aged Care Outbreak Management Support Supplement (the Supplement) will continue in 2025 to 30 September 2025.

The supplement contributes to the cost of planning for and managing COVID-19 outbreaks. The funds can be used for the purchase of:

  • rapid antigen tests (RATs)
  • personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • additional workforce and other items needed for effective outbreak management
  • preventative measures such as improving ventilation and providing infection prevention and control training for staff.

Aged care providers will receive a rate of:

There is no need to apply – all eligible providers will be paid this supplement automatically:

  • Residential aged care providers – Services Australia regular monthly aged care payment processes.
  • MPS providers – Department of Social Services funding system.
  • NATSIFAC providers  – existing funding arrangements.

See the Outbreak Management Support Supplement rate in the Schedule of Subsidies and Supplements for Aged Care.

Current to 31 December 2024

Until 31 December 2024, providers will receive the Supplement rate of $2.81 per day per occupied bed or operational place.

In 2025, the updated COVID-19 Supplement reflects the decrease in the number of cases and outbreaks in aged care homes. The sector has improved its capability in preventing and managing COVID-19 outbreaks.

Surge workforce program

We provide temporary surge workforce support to eligible aged care homes impacted by COVID-19. Surge workers can be quickly placed when all other avenues for staffing have been exhausted.

Theprogram helps eligible aged care homes manage COVID-19 outbreaks and maintain high-quality, safe care for residents.

This includes supporting:

  • aged care homes impacted by an outbreak of COVID-19 and having critical workforce shortages
  • aged care homes with outbreaks of COVID-19 or other emergencies in rural and remote areas and those delivering First Nations aged care services.

From 1 January 2025

To access the surge workforce support, you must:

  • provide evidence that you have exhausted all existing partnerships and recruitment channels
  • be in a MM 3 to 7 location.

We consider each request case-by-case as the surge workforce support depends on staff availability.

Aged care homes that have not provided regular access to COVID-19 vaccinations for their residents may not be eligible to get surge workforce support.

Read frequently asked questions for details on eligibility and access.

You can request supports by emailing us.

Infection prevention and control (IPC)

Effective infection prevention and control IPC provides protection for aged care residents and workers.

The Aged Care Infection Prevention and Control Guide supports you to:

  • meet the IPC-related strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards
  • minimise the risk of infection for older people and the workforce.

We will continue working with providers to increase capability and embed best practice IPC and outbreak preparedness in residential aged care, This includes:

  • access to IPC resources and online training
  • surveillance and monitoring activities
  • research and evaluation into existing IPC processes, including the IPC Lead role
  • updates to IPC guidance to support best practises.


Regular vaccination is the best way to reduce the risk of serious illness, hospitalisation or death from COVID-19.

Residential aged care providers are responsible for making COVID-19 vaccinations available to their residents and staff.

In aged care homes, COVID-19 vaccines are primarily given by primary care providers such as general practitioners (GP) and pharmacists. If you don’t have a GP or pharmacist available, talk with your Primary Health Network (PHN) for help booking a primary care vaccination provider.

Get help through the Vaccine Administration Partners Program (VAPP). The VAPP can help residential aged care homes, with COVID-19 vaccine in-reach clinics, where there is a gap in services being provided.

Read about your vaccination responsibilities or email VAPP if you have any questions.

Surveillance and reporting

We will continue to monitor and report on COVID-19 outbreaks in residential aged care homes.

COVID-19 vaccination rates for residential aged care homes are published monthly on our website.

Mental health supports

We provide grief and trauma support for people in the aged care sector who have been affected by COVID-19, through:

A range of digital and telehealth support services are available for help with mental health. This includes support for vulnerable people and those with severe and complex needs.

Visit the Head to Health website for information about mental health and digital support. Call Head to Health for free1800 595 212 (weekdays 8.30am-5pm). Receive mental health advice, information or referral to appropriate mental health services. 


Publications and fact sheets

Stay informed

To stay up to date on aged care and COVID-19:

Find the latest advice and resources in your state or territory from your local public health agency.


Aged Care COVID-19 enquiries

Contact us about government supports for COVID-19 in aged care.
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