Service delivery plans for Multi-Purpose Services (MPS)

Service delivery plans describe the level and types of services you provide. It helps you manage your service and make sure you’re meeting the needs of your community. Every MPS should have a current plan in place and have a process to regularly review and update it.

About service delivery plans

Your service delivery plan outlines the level and types of services you will provide to help you manage your service.

It generally covers a 3-year period.

Your organisation’s planning framework, which your state or territory government manages, should outline who develops this plan and who you share it with.

What to include in your plan

When developing your service delivery plan, you need to consider your community’s needs. You need to show that:

  • the location is suitable
  • you have consulted with the community
  • the community needs an MPS
  • you are addressing priority needs
  • you are making best use of resources
  • the service is workable and sustainable
  • you are working cooperatively with other health and aged care providers in your area.

Work closely with your local Primary Health Network and other government planning processes to use information already gathered. This avoids duplicating efforts so clients receive the right care in the right place at the right time.

Reviewing your plan

All MPS must have a current service delivery plan in place at all times.

Review your service delivery plan regularly to make sure it is up to date.

Your plan should cover a 3-year period, so start your review process before the end of this timeframe.

You may want to coordinate this with other planning cycles in your organisation.

You should also get input from your clients and the community as part of your review process.

Date last updated:

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