Responsibilities of Home Care Package providers

If you provide government-funded Home Care Package services, you must meet certain responsibilities to comply with aged care legislation.

As an approved provider, you must understand and comply with your responsibilities to deliver the Home Care Packages Program in line with the relevant legislation.

Responsibilities to care recipients

You are responsible for delivering high-quality aged care services, using a consumer-directed approach and protecting care recipients’ rights and privacy.

Read about your responsibilities to care recipients

Notifying us of changes

You must tell us, Services Australia and Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission when there are changes to your organisation and services. 

Find out how to do this for new services, name or address changes and notification when people are starting or ending home care with you.

Reporting and record keeping

You must keep accurate records, provide us with financial reports, review your prices every year, and manage and report serious incidents. 

Read about your reporting and record-keeping responsibilities

Regulation and compliance

You must meet all responsibilities under relevant legislation. We monitor compliance in various ways and take action to address non-compliance.

Read about your compliance responsibilities and the legislation that applies.

Program assurance

We conduct regular program assurance reviews to help confirm home care services are value for money for care recipients.

Read about how and why we do these reviews.

Workforce skills

You are responsible for ensuring your workforce is skilled and qualified to provide safe, respectful and quality care and services.

This includes, but is not limited to:

Read about:

If you don’t comply

If the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (ACQSC) finds you to be non-compliant with your responsibilities, it will take compliance or enforcement action. 

The ACQSC’s response will be informed by the risk posed to the safety, health, wellbeing and quality of life of care recipients. 

Read about:

Learn more

See full list of responsibilities in Appendix E of the Home Care Packages Program Operational Manual.

Date last updated:

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