About monthly statements
Monthly statements show:
- the available funds in a care recipient’s Home Care Package at the start of the month
- an itemised breakdown of funds received and spent during the month to show the charge for each service type
- the amount of unspent funds remaining at the end of the month.
Monthly statements must be clear and easy to follow for a care recipient, who can then request further detail.
Template for monthly statements
We recommend you use our monthly statement template. This will:
- make statements easier for your care recipients to understand
- help them to make informed choices about the use of their package funds.
See our provider guide for a detailed explanation of the template and how to use it effectively.
Provider Guide Better Practice Home Care Package Statement
What to include in the monthly statement
A care recipient’s monthly statement must include the amount of:
- Home Care Package subsidy for the month
- Home Care Package fees (if any) paid or payable by the care recipient for the month
- any unpaid Home Care Package fees from previous months
- any unspent funds for the previous and current month, split into:
- home care account balance held by Services Australia
- provider-held care recipient portion of unspent funds
- provider-held government portion of unspent funds
- the care recipient portion of unspent funds you received from another provider during the month (if any).
The monthly statement must also include:
- a list of all the care and services provided to the care recipient during the month (even if the costs have exceeded their monthly Home Care Package subsidy, the cost cannot be split over multiple months)
- the price for each of these services for the month, sometimes referred to as itemisation
- the total of these prices.
When to provide a monthly statement
Once care and services start, you must:
- provide monthly statements for any month they are in a Home Care Agreement, even if the care recipient does not receive services or has taken temporary leave
- do this as soon as possible after you have all the information you need.
We recommend you issue monthly statements after you submit your monthly claim to Services Australia.
You should not delay issuing a monthly statement without reason. Monthly statements are a legislative requirement.
Discussing the monthly statement
You must help your care recipients understand their monthly statements.
Use our guidance for care recipients to help them understand how their budget has been spent and what funds are available.
This should be part of your ongoing care discussions with your care recipients.
If needed, use the Translating and Interpreting Service.