Our related work
Advanced Skills Training Posts Rural Generalists and General Practitioners Program (AST Program)
Each year, the AST Program supports 15 advanced skills posts for general practitioner (GP) registrars, rural generalist (RG) registrars and fellowed RGs or GPs. Learn about the program, who is eligible, and how to participate.
Approved Private Emergency Department (APED) Program
Through the APED Program, advanced specialist trainees doing their emergency medicine training can work under supervision in a private hospital for 12 months and access relevant Medicare items. This helps increase the number of emergency medicine specialists in Australia.
Exceptional Claims Scheme (ECS)
The ECS helps doctors in private practice with the cost of claims that exceed their indemnity cover. It also provides legacy cover for some allied health professionals. Find out more about who is eligible and how this scheme works.
Flexible Approach to Training in Expanded Settings (FATES)
The Flexible Approach to Training in Expanded Settings (FATES) program funds non-general practitioner specialist medical training approaches. It aims to broaden the skills of the specialist workforce, bring more specialists to regional areas, and ensure all Australians can access high-quality care.
General Practitioner Procedural Training Support Program (GPPTSP)
The General Practitioner Procedural Training Support Program (GPPTSP) aims to improve maternity services for women living in rural and remote areas. It supports general practitioners (GPs) in those areas to gain procedural skills in anaesthetics and obstetrics.
HELP for Rural Doctors and Nurse Practitioners
This initiative reduces outstanding Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) debt for eligible doctors and nurse practitioners who live and work in rural, remote or very remote areas of Australia.
High Cost Claims Scheme (HCCS)
The HCCS helps medical indemnity insurers with the cost of large claims against doctors, allied health professionals and midwives.
Incurred-But-Not-Reported (IBNR) Indemnity Scheme
The scheme covers 100% of the cost of eligible IBNR claims that medical defence organisations (MDOs) do not have the reserves to cover, as of 30 June 2002.
John Flynn Prevocational Doctor Program
As part of the 2021-22 Budget, the Australian Government announced the new John Flynn Prevocational Doctor Program. This program will better streamline and coordinate medical training in regions and fund new rural primary care rotations to boost training capacity for the next generation of doctors.
Junior Doctor Training Program
The Junior Doctor Training Program (JDTP) supports education and supervision for junior doctors in rural primary health care settings and private hospitals. This helps provide a continued supply of doctors to deliver health services across Australia. It is part of our Stronger Rural Health Strategy.
More Doctors for Rural Australia Program (MDRAP)
This program has closed to new applicants. The program provided support and training towards joining a college fellowship for doctors who are temporary or permanent residents of Australia and non vocationally recognised.
National Medical Workforce Strategy 2021–2031
We have developed this 10-year strategy to guide long-term medical workforce planning across Australia. It will improve access to health care by supporting the right people to have the right skills, where we need them most.
Non-vocationally Registered Fellowship Support Program (Non-VR FSP)
The Non-VR FSP supports doctors to gain their fellowship. This increases access to high-quality primary health care and enables doctors to register as specialist general practitioner and access higher Medicare rebates.
Other Medical Practitioners programs
The Other Medical Practitioner (OMPs) programs provide access to higher Medicare rebates for doctors without fellowship who deliver services in approved locations and meet eligibility requirements.
Pre-Fellowship Program (PFP)
This program helps non-vocationally registered doctors gain valuable general practice experience in Distribution Priority Areas before they join a College-led general practitioner (GP) training pathway.
Premium Support Scheme (PSS)
The PSS helps doctors with the cost of their medical indemnity insurance premiums. Find out who is eligible, how this scheme works and how to apply.
Reforming accreditation for specialist medical training sites
Health ministers in Australia asked the National Health Practitioner Ombudsman to review the process for accrediting specialist medical college training sites. Learn more about the resulting reform that’s in progress.
Royal Flying Doctor Service program
The Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) provides free emergency aeromedical evacuations and healthcare services for people living in rural and remote communities. This is often where no other health services are available. We have funded the RFDS since the 1930s.
Run-Off Cover Scheme (ROCS)
ROCS provides run-off cover to doctors who have stopped private practice. Find out how this scheme works and who is eligible.
Rural Procedural Grants Program (RPGP)
The RPGP helps cover the cost of professional development for procedural general practitioners (GPs) who work in rural and remote areas. This ensures people who live in rural and remote areas have access to highly qualified health professionals.
Special Approved Placements Program (SAPP)
The Special Approved Placements Program (SAPP) provides access to Medicare rebates for doctors without fellowship who have to work in metropolitan areas due to exceptional circumstances. The program has closed to new entrants.
Specialist Training Program
The Specialist Training Program supports training positions in regional, rural and remote areas, and in private facilities. This helps to improve the skills and distribution of the specialist workforce by giving participants experience of a broader range of healthcare settings.
Streamlining General Practice Training
This initiative simplifies training pathways and helps doctors to gain fellowship of one of Australia’s 2 general practice colleges. It distributes training places to ensure a continued supply of skilled doctors in rural and remote areas. It is part of the Stronger Rural Health Strategy.
Supporting quality in GP pathology requesting
This initiative gives general practitioners (GPs) an opportunity to self-assess their pathology referral process using data relevant to them. It supports quality use of pathology requests, or other alternatives if they are a better choice.
Supporting Rural Specialists in Australia
The Supporting Rural Specialists in Australia program helps specialists in rural and remote Australia access educational opportunities. It provides support and training via online learning programs, and grants to rural specialists to access training not available in their home town.
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