The Other Medical Practitioners Extension Program (OMPEP) will commence on 1 July 2023. This program is only available to medical practitioners registered in one of the 3 OMPs programs below on 30 June 2023:
- After Hours Other Medical Practitioners (AHOMPs) program
- Outer Metropolitan Other Medical Practitioners (OMOMPs) program
- Rural Other Medical Practitioner (ROMPs) program.
The OMPEP provides extended access to higher Medicare rebates for:
- non-vocationally recognised doctors who deliver services in approved locations
- doctors without fellowship who were registered in an Other Medical Practitioner (OMP) program on 30 June 2023.
We are creating an updated version of the guidelines which will be available in 2025.
OMPEP participants must continue program participation at the same location as their placement on 30 June 2023. Additional locations may be approved if those locations meet the eligibility criteria set out in the relevant program guidelines.
The extended deadline gives you time to attain fellowship with either the:
- Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP)
- Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM).
Medicare Plus for Other Medical Practitioners (MOMPs) program
On 9 May 2023, the Australian Government announced the extension of the MOMPs program until 31 December 2023. This change will ensure medical practitioners registered under this program continue to be able to provide general practitioner (GP) services under the MBS.
To continue to access the GP attendance items in the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS), you must complete your 20 active quarters in a District of Workforce Shortage before 31 December 2023.
An active quarter is a defined quarter (for example January to March) of the year where Medicare billing equals at least $10,000.
After Hours Other Medical Practitioners program
The AHOMPs program applies to non-vocationally recognised doctors who:
- provide after-hours GP services through an accredited general practice or medical deputising service
- attain fellowship within 6 years of registering in the AHOMPs program.
See the AHOMPs program guidelines.
Rural Other Medical Practitioners program
The ROMPs program applies to non-vocationally recognised doctors who deliver GP services in locations:
- in categories 4 to 7 of the Rural, Remote Metropolitan Area (RRMA) classifications
- in approved category 3 RRMA locations with significant medical workforce shortages.
See the ROMPs program guidelines.
Outer Metropolitan Other Medical Practitioners program
The OMOMPs program applies to non-vocationally recognised doctors who:
- provide GP services in an outer metropolitan area
- were registered with a medical board before 1 November 1996
- are enrolled in a pathway to fellowship.
See the OMOMPs program guidelines.
Medicare Plus for Other Medical Practitioners program
The MOMPs applies to non-vocationally recognised doctors who:
- deliver GP services in a District of Workforce Shortage (DWS)
- were registered with a medical board before 1 November 1996.
You must complete 20 ‘active quarters’ in a DWS before 30 June 2023 (5 years in total). An active quarter is a defined quarter of the year where Medicare billing equals at least $10,000.
Once Services Australia notifies you in writing that you have completed this requirement, you will continue to have access to Medicare benefits at the higher rate indefinitely.
See the MOMPs program guidelines.
Contact Services Australia on 132 150 for application status, payments, eligibility or location eligibility.