Booklets and toolkits
Aged care volunteering and the Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme (ACVVS) booklet
This booklet has information about aged care volunteering and the ACVVS for potential and current volunteers, volunteer managers and providers.
Managing volunteers in aged care – Guidance handbook for volunteer managers
This handbook provides guidance for aged care volunteer managers for volunteer engagement and management processes including recruitment, onboarding, retention, administration and further training and information. Aged care providers can also use this resource to support their volunteer managers.
Engaging volunteers in aged care – Guidance handbook for aged care providers
The aim of this booklet is to guide providers through the considerations involved in volunteer engagement. Topics covered include the legislative environment, checklists to prepare for volunteer engagement, designing volunteer roles, recruitment and retention and some frequently asked questions.
Volunteers in aged care training and resource kit – For volunteers and volunteer managers
This toolkit connects volunteers, volunteer managers, and aged care providers to free, publicly available training and information on a range of topics. It does not replace or replicate any current provider training; it is aimed at complementing any existing training available for volunteers.
Communication toolkit for National Volunteer Week
This toolkit provides information and materials that may help you communicate about aged care volunteering this National Volunteer Week (20-26 May).
‘Share your Story’ form – Aged care volunteers
Form for volunteers in aged care to share their stories. Stories focus on celebrating their contributions, sharing their diverse experiences, and inspiring others to volunteer.
‘Share Your Story’ form – Volunteer managers and aged care providers
Form for volunteer managers and aged care providers to share their stories about engaging volunteers and/or what they love about working as a volunteer manager. Stories focus on the impact volunteers and/or volunteer managers make in aged care to support older people in aged care.
‘Share your Story’ form – Innovations in aged care volunteering
Form for anyone with a story about innovations in aged care volunteering. Stories focus on what the innovative approach was, how it helped overcome a challenge or barrier, and how others can learn from this experience or use a similar approach.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Frequently asked questions for potential volunteers in aged care
A fact sheet of frequently asked questions commonly asked by people interested in aged care volunteering.
‘Have you thought about volunteering in Aged Care’ or ‘Are you a Volunteer Manager or Provider?’ postcard
This postcard contains information about volunteering opportunities in aged care and links to resources for Volunteer Managers and providers.
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