Support for aged care providers

Learn about the programs and initiatives we fund for aged care service providers to deliver safe, consistent and quality aged care for older people.

Digital transformation for aged care

We are upgrading the aged care IT network to better connect clients, providers, workers and government.

This is a major project that will enable broader aged are reform. You can get involved in the conversation to help guide the project’s direction.

Read about the digital transformation project.

Government Provider Management System

The Government Provider Management System (GPMS) will make it easier for providers to access information and report to government.

In the future, it will be a master source of information across the aged care system.

Learn about the GPMS and how to use it.

Aged care financial viability and capability

We are rolling out a framework to build financial accountability and transparency in aged care.

Learn about the framework and how we help providers be more financially viable.

Refundable Accommodation Deposit Support Loan Program

COVID-19 has had a major impact on residential aged care providers, with some having to refund more accommodation deposits than usual. 

The Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD) Support Loan Program offers zero-interest loans to enable eligible providers to refund deposits on time. 

Learn about the RAD Support Loan Program, who is eligible and how to apply.

Remote and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Aged Care Service Development Assistance Panel

The panel supports aged care service providers:

  • located in remote areas
  • who provide care to First Nations people.

Support includes:

  • building provider capacity
  • developing the sector
  • managing infrastructure projects.

Read about the SDAP program, how to apply and what supports are available.

Dementia and Aged Care Services Fund

The Dementia and Aged Care Services Fund helps providers caring for older people who are sick or living with medical conditions, such as:

  • people with dementia
  • people from diverse social and cultural backgrounds
  • First Nations people.

Read about the Dementia and Aged Care Services Fund.

Dementia, Ageing and Aged Care Mission

The Dementia, Ageing and Aged Care Mission funds research to support older people:

  • maintain their health and quality of life as they age
  • live independently for longer
  • access quality care when they need it.

Learn more about the Dementia, Ageing and Aged Care Mission.

Aged care on-site pharmacist

We fund community pharmacies to employ on-site pharmacists in residential aged care homes to improve medication management safety.

Read about the on-site pharmacist initiative.

Delivering aged care in rural and remote settings

Accessing and providing aged care in rural and remote communities presents unique challenges.

We are supporting providers to deliver safe and quality services for older people in rural and remote locations.

Find out what support is available for rural and remote providers.

Building the workforce

We are working with providers to build and develop a supported, valued and productive workforce.

Read about how we're building the aged care workforce.

Aged care volunteers

We have resources available to help providers engage and retain aged care volunteers.

Learn more about your requirements and responsibilities.

Date last updated:

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