The deeming process – transitioning providers to the new system

In preparation for the new Act, all current government-funded providers will be transitioned to the new system as registered providers. This process is called deeming.


We are moving current government-funded aged care providers to registration categories. This is based on the services you deliver or the services as required by your current funding agreement. This process is called deeming.

We will make this transition as simple as possible so you can continue to provide services that will protect the safety and welfare of older people.

New aged care regulatory model – Questions and answers – Webinar

The deeming process

Using existing data, the department will deem current government-funded aged care providers into one or more registration categories. This is  based on the services you provide, or those required in funding agreements. 

We will reach out to some provider cohorts to gather additional information for a manual deeming approach. 

The deeming process will involve the following steps:

  1. We will first reach out to confirm your contact details via a Contact Nomination Request
  2. You will then be asked to review your proposed registration categories via a Deeming Validation Survey. This will be sent in a separate email
  3. We will resolve your feedback to finalise the registration categories before formal deeming occurs in 2025
  4. We will communicate with you about their obligations based on provider registration category/ies
  5. You will be registered when the new Aged Care Act commences.

We are using the deeming process to understand what services providers are delivering before the new Act starts. 

Providers should advise us of any changes in circumstances or update your contact details through either your account manager or the Manage Your Organisation tile within GPMS. More details are available below

By setting up existing providers when the new Act commences, we will: 

  • reduce the administrative burden for providers 
  • maintain continuity of care for older people. 

All government-funded providers of aged care services will continue to operate as normal prior to commencement of the new Act. This will ensure continuity of services for aged care recipients.

Once the new Act starts, you will operate under the new regulatory model and will need to meet the obligations of your registration categories. 

Each registered provider will be advised of their registration renewal date by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, based on matters such as: 

  • risk 
  • regulatory intelligence 
  • workforce management 
  • recency of accreditation audits or contacts. 

We will contact you to: 

  • seek additional information we may need to support the deeming process 
  • invite you to review and confirm details of proposed registration categories and obligations. 

Contact us for more information.

Providers trading as multiple entities under a single ABN 

Providers with multiple provider records in the aged care system will be identified using the ABN details based on existing departmental data. 

You may choose to maintain multiple registered provider records where there are unique ABNs. However, this will: 

  • limit the benefits of a single registered provider record 
  • duplicate renewal of registration processes 
  • duplicate costs 
  • duplicate reporting and notification requirements. 

To make changes to how you currently operate your business in aged care, including updating your contact details, please contact:

  • the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, or, 
  • your funding manager. 

More information is available below on how to make these changes. 

Subcontractors (associated providers)

Subcontractors of government-funded providers (associated providers) will not be deemed as a registered provider. Subcontractors can continue to deliver services if they are contracted by a registered provider. 

Contact nomination request information

Determining who the contact nomination request will be sent to

The contact nomination request has been distributed using point in time information from the contact data we hold about your organisation.

I haven’t received my contact nomination request

We have distributed contact nomination requests to government-funded providers based on contact data we hold about your organisation at a point in time. We will get in touch with State and Territory Government providers through a slightly different process.

You can review your registration details, including proposed registration categories, as part of the provider preview process from April 2025. We will share more information about the provider preview process shortly.  

You can also reach out to us here.

I am a State or Territory Government provider and have not received my contact nomination request

State and Territory Government providers of aged care services will not receive an invitation to provide a contact nomination or validation surveys for their proposed registration categories.

We are consulting directly with State and Territory Governments regarding government providers. We will let you know next steps following that consultation. 

I missed the survey and won’t be able to review my proposed registration categories. 

Providers can review their registration details and proposed registration categories from April 2025. This process is provider preview. More information about provider preview will be shared in the coming months.

Nominated contact and how many contacts to list

We asked providers to nominate one contact. The nominated contact should be a person who can make decisions on behalf of the organisation and will be expected liaise with other people within the organisation, as needed. For example, this could be senior management, the CEO or Board Chair. 

The nominated contact should be aware of the aged care services delivered, or required to be delivered, by the provider organisation. This is because they will later be asked to review proposed registration categories and the details of any residential care home records on behalf of the organisation.

The contact nomination request has been sent to someone who no longer works at the organisation

The information included in the contact nomination request is captured from data we hold about your organisation at a point in time. Please go to the Manage Your Organisation tile within GPMS  or contact your funding agreement manager to update your contact details.

I haven’t received the contact nomination request for all my services

If you operate multiple provider entities, with unique ABNs for your existing residential or community services, you should have received individual contact nominations and validation surveys.

There will be an opportunity to identify any programs or residential services which may be missing as part of the deeming validation survey. You can review your information as part of the provider preview process from April 2025. 

The details in the contact nomination request aren’t accurate

The information included in the contact nomination request is captured from data we hold about your organisation at a point in time. If you have updated details recently, these will be reflected in time. If any details are not correct and haven’t been updated recently go to the Manage Your Organisation tile within GPMS or contact your funding agreement manager.

Find more information on how to update your details or reflect a change in circumstances here.

The link for my contact nomination request isn’t working

Please contact us so we can resolve the issue.

Deeming validation survey information

The deeming validation survey hasn’t come from a government email

The email with the deeming validation survey will come from and is legitimate. You may also receive further correspondence about deeming from

I received the deeming validation survey

You have been identified as the nominated provider contact to review your organisation’s registration details and proposed registration categories based on point in time service data.

I have received the deeming validation survey for my organisation but it would be better completed by someone else within the organisation

If you are not able to confirm the declaration and complete the review on behalf of your organisation, please forward the email and survey to a new contact person. The contact should be able to make decisions on behalf of the organisation. For example, this could be senior management, the CEO or Board Chair.

If you have opened but not yet submitted the survey, you will be able to forward the link within your organisation for completion. 

Please contact us if you are having any difficulties.

I haven’t received my deeming validation survey

We are releasing the deeming validation survey in stages and have contacted most  providers that completed their contact nomination request. 

This deeming process is a one-off process and will not replace future registration processes.

Time needed to complete the deeming validation survey

We anticipate the survey will take between 10 and 30 minutes, however, the survey may take longer for larger providers.

For providers of residential aged care services, we recommend having the following documents on hand, as this will speed up the process:

  • occupancy certificate (or equivalent approval), including the total number of approved beds
  • details of the arrangements in place for the use of each site as a residential care home (e.g. the site is owned, leased).

I need more time to complete the survey

If you have started the survey, it will close automatically after two weeks. Please complete the survey by the due date.

Please contact us if you’re having any trouble accessing the survey after the due date.

Saving progress of the survey to complete later

Once you start the survey, you have two weeks to complete your input if you use the same device and browser.

The link for my deeming validation survey isn’t working

Please email us so we can resolve the issue.

I clicked on the link to complete the deeming validation survey but have received a message saying it has already been completed or the session has timed out

Please email us so we can resolve the issue.

I am completing the survey for a residential aged care home. I can’t find my occupancy number.

Please answer based on the number of beds you have been approved to operate if your occupancy certificate does not include a bed numbers.

I completed the deeming validation survey but didn’t make a note of my registration categories 

The registration categories are indicative. You will be able to review your proposed registration categories during the provider preview process from April 2025. 

The registration categories for my service don’t look right

The registration categories in your deeming validation survey are based on data we currently hold about your organisation. If your indicative registration categories do not look accurate, this could mean the service data held on file by the department is not up to date. Please update your data using the Manage Your Organisation tile within GPMS or contact your funding agreement manager. 

You can view your service details, including service name, address and operational status within the Manage Your Organisation Tile within GPMS. Alternately, contact your funding manager to provide these updates.

My organisation has been deemed into a category but we don’t provide all of the service types listed within that category

Under the new regulatory model, providers will be approved to deliver any services within that registration category. 

Notify the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission if you are not delivering particular service types with your registration category. 

Under the new aged care regulatory model, registration category/ies, and registration and renewal activities, will apply to providers and not to individual services or residential care homes.

Incorrect information or changes in circumstances

If you have noticed any incorrect information in the contact nomination request or deeming validation survey, please update your information using the following processes.

For CHSP providers

Please refer to the Community Grants Hub Grant Recipient Portal or reach out to your Funding Agreement Manager.

For NATSIFAC providers

Please reach out to

For approved providers – update your ABN, ABN registered name or primary contact details

For more information and resources on how to update your details, please visit Government Provider Management System (GPMS).

For approved providers – update your residential care home services (including name, address or operational status)

You can view and update your service details, including service name, address and operational status within the new Manage Your Organisation Tile within GPMS. Please refer to your local State and Territory Office to change any service details.

For approved providers – combining residential care services

Approved aged care providers use this form to apply to combine 2 or more residential aged care services into 1 Residential Aged Care Service (RACS) ID.

For approved providers – update the total bed numbers for your residential aged care home

To view places data, log into the My Aged Care Service and Support Portal or the Services Australia’s Aged Care Provider Portal. 

To apply for additional residential care places, please use this form.

For approved providers – revocation

Where a provider is no longer providing aged care services, government-funded providers should complete a request to revoke approval form. If you have completed this form recently, the updates will be reflected in due course and no further action is required


Date last updated:

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