Short-Term Restorative Care (STRC) Programme

The STRC Programme provides services to older people for up to 8 weeks to help them delay or avoid long-term care. Read about the STRC Programme, including eligibility, provider responsibilities and delivering services.

About the program

Find out who’s eligible for STRC  and why it’s important.

Your responsibilities

You must meet quality standards, provide flexible care agreements, and manage subsidies, fees and services. 

Fees you can charge

Find out what fees you can charge as an STRC provider. 

Manage STRC services

Learn how to set up and manage STRC services. 

Support at Home Program Provider Transition Guide now available

Providers of the Home Care Packages Program and Short-Term Restorative Care can now access a guide to help them transition to Support at Home. 

View the Support at Home Program Provider Transition Guide.

My Aged Care

If you need some help around the house or think it’s time to look into aged care homes, My Aged Care is here to help.

Visit the My Aged Care website to find information about how to access aged care services.

You can apply for an assessment online and search for local aged care providers that meet your needs.

You can also call 1800 200 422 Monday to Friday, 8 am to 8 pm, and Saturday, 10 am to 2 pm.

My Aged Care

Short-Term Restorative Care Programme manual

This manual guides service delivery under the Short-Term Restorative Care Programme.

Read the manual



Specialisation verification – final framework

The final framework sets out the criteria for specialised care delivery. Aged care providers who deliver specific services that meet diverse needs may apply for specialisation verification.

Related work

Home Care Packages Program

The Australian Government subsidises organisations to provide home care services to eligible older people. As an approved provider of Home Care Packages, make sure you understand how funding works, the fees you can charge, and what your responsibilities are.

Residential aged care

Residential aged care is for senior Australians who can no longer live independently at home. The Australian Government funds residential aged care to make it more affordable and accessible.

Date last updated:

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