Government Provider Management System resources

A list of resources – including quick reference guides, fact sheets, videos and other publications – for the Government Provider Management System.


New Aged Care Act: A GPMS guide to digital changes for providers

The GPMS guide to digital changes for providers outlines the key digital changes that providers will experience in the lead up to the implementation of the new Act on 1 July 2025. It provides information to assist providers to anticipate and prepare for changes.

Government Provider Management System – User guide: Reporting assessments

This Government Provider Management System (GPMS) user guide explains to residential aged care providers how to access the reporting assessment application, upload information and documents for care minutes and 24/7 registered nurse reporting assessments, and view on-site bookings.

Government Provider Management System – Terms of use

This document outlines the terms of use for the Government Provider Management System (GPMS). The GPMS allows aged care service providers to see their Star Ratings, access and report information to the Department of Health and Aged Care.

Business to Government (B2G) Developer Portal User Guide

This Business to Government (B2G) User Guide aims to support software vendors and their developers to interact with us and to assist aged care providers with procuring software to leverage the B2G capability.

Government Provider Management System – User guide

This Government Provider Management System (GPMS) User Guide provides users with an overview of how to login to the GPMS portal and outlines how Organisation Administrators can add, edit and remove users.

Government Provider Management System (GPMS) – reporting a duplicate contact

GPMS has streamlined the way approved providers update their information. Maintaining your details within the Manage Your Organisation tile enables up to date information to be shared between the aged care and healthcare systems to improve the efficiency and quality of care to older Australians.
Date last updated:

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