This recording will follow the end to end journey of an approved provider creating a determination and nominating a provider governing person to review and submit the determination to the Commission.
The provider logs into the Self Service Portal and is presented with a Manage Your Organisation landing page.
The provider is looking to apply for a governing body determination, so will select the Manage Your Organisation tile.
When the provider selects this tile, they are taken to the Manage your Organisation page.
In the centre of the page we have the Notify or Reply to Commission section.
Here the provider can initiate a determination form using the Apply for a determination button.
The provider will land on the Before You Start page.
This page contains important information about the determination form, in particular who can approve and submit the form, as well as important links and contact information.
The provider selects next.
The provider lands on the Authorised Representative page.
It's important for the provider to identify an authorised representative who the Commission can reach out to in the event that they need to request additional information to make an assessment.
The provider selects next.
The provider lands on the governing body determination request page.
This is where the provider can select the legislative responsibility or responsibleness they are applying for a determination.
This provider is a family owned and run organisation and the majority of the governing body are family members.
Hence the provider is asking the Commission to exempt the organisation from the majority of members needing to be independent non executive members.
The provider selects the check box and clicks
Next. The provider will need to provide a reason as to why they should be exempt from the legislative responsibility.
The provider is informed here that they will need to provide supportive evidence later in the form the provider enters a reason and selects next. The decision to make
A determination may take into account how many services the provider has, the location of those services, and the number of care recipients they provide care and services to.
This page states the provider has a certain number of services and they must enter the number of care recipients for each service.
As the provider enters the number of recipients.
The total sum will populate here to display the total number of care recipients across all services.
The provider then selects
Next. The key personnel page relays the current key personnel total for the provider, the total number of cessations as well as the percentage of key personnel that have left the organisation.
The provider needs to confirm the information presented on the page is correct and complete.
The provider selects the Yes check box and selects next. On this page
The provider needs to describe the membership of the governing body, including the name, role and employment status of each individual member.
The provider will also need to describe the arrangements they've made or will make, to assist members to act objectively and independently in their best interests of their organisation and to assist members of the governing body to seek, when necessary, advice from a person with experience in the provision of clinical care.
The provider enters the required information and then selects Next.
It is a requirement for the provider to upload at least one supporting evidence document
Towards the determination request.
The provider will select the appropriate type of evidence they wish to provide and this will display the Upload Files component.
The provider can then click the Upload Files button or drag and drop the file into the section.
When the provider clicks the button to upload files, it will prompt them to search for the files.
After the file is selected, it will then upload and scan for viruses.
When the file has successfully uploaded, the progress bar will be complete and the provider will click Done.
The provider can upload more than one file for each check box.
The provider then selects
Next. The provider has now completed filling out the determination form and lands on the review page.
The provider is able to review all assessment responses and the supporting evidence document.
If the document is clicked, it will automatically download.
If all details are accurate, the provider must nominate a governing person to review and submit the determination form.
The provider must select a governing person from the list and click the Send for Review button.
The provider will be shown a confirmation message stating that the form has been sent to the nominating governing person to review.
A confirmation has also been sent to the provider's own email address and the organisation primary contact.
The provider can now click the Return to Manage your Organisation button where they can track the progress of their application.