Bonded Medical Places Scheme return of service obligation

Bonded Medical Places Scheme participants work for a specified time in a rural or remote area. We call this a ‘return of service obligation’ (RoSO). Find out more about the scheme’s RoSO requirements.

Your RoSO

Your deed states the amount of RoSO you need to do. It depends on:

  • when you signed your Deed of Agreement
  • if you signed a subsequent Deed of Variation
  • how many years you studied at University.

If you would like a copy of your DoA/DoA, you can request one from us.

When you can start reducing RoSO

2004–2015 participants

The obligation to start your RoSO only begins once you have attained fellowship. However, you can complete up to 50% of your RoSO before attaining fellowship.

2016–2019 participants

You can start reducing your RoSO as soon as you start your internship (this is not possible for 2004–2015 participants).

You can complete up to 100% of your RoSO before attaining fellowship. However, there is no obligation to start your RoSO before attaining fellowship.

Reducing RoSO through eligible training

You can apply for eligible training to reduce your RoSO. We must approve your training placement as eligible before it ends.

To apply for eligible training, you must fill out and submit an Eligible Training Application Form and send supporting evidence.

Supporting evidence can be a signed letter on official letterhead from your employer or a contract of employment signed by both parties. The following details are essential in your supporting evidence:

  • The start and end date of your placement.
  • The number of hours worked per week.
  • Your physical work location or locations.
  • Whether you are pre-vocational (resident) or vocational (registrar).
  • Your position title.

Minimum RoSO requirements for 2004–2015 participants

2004–2015 BMP Scheme participants can undertake pre-vocational (resident) and vocational (registrar) training placements in any eligible location throughout Australia.

Your training placement must be for a minimum of 12 weeks and for a minimum average of 20 hours per week per month.

Training undertaken in your intern year cannot be credited towards your RoSO.

You must apply for eligible training (to count towards RoSO) before your placement finishes.

Once your placement finishes you must provide evidence by means of a letter of employment or a statutory declaration.

Tenure for 2004–2015 participants

Tenure is when we grant you permission to remain in or return to a specific location after attaining fellowship, even if the location ceases to be classified as an eligible location for your specialty.

We can grant tenure for all eligible vocational training for 2004–2015 participants. Tenure does not apply for 2016–2019 participants, or for pre-vocational training.

To apply for tenure you must apply to us before your training placement ends. We cannot approve a retrospective application for tenure submitted after the end of your placement.

If you would like to attain tenure in a placement location, your training placement must be for a minimum of 3 months and for a minimum average of 20 hours per week per month. Your placement must also be classified as a current eligible location.

If you have reached the maximum amount (50%) of eligible training that can be credited towards reducing your RoSO before fellowship, you can still apply for tenure at an eligible location.

To submit an application for tenure, complete a Tenure Application Form and email it to us.

Please note that tenure cannot be transferred from the BMP Scheme to the Bonded Medical Program. Location eligibility will be forfeited for any location at which you hold tenure when opting in.

Minimum RoSO requirements for 2016–2019 participants

2016–2019 BMP Scheme participants can undertake pre-vocational (resident) and vocational (registrar) training placements in any eligible location throughout Australia.

Your training placement must be for a minimum of 12 weeks and for a minimum average of 35 hours per week per month.

Training undertaken in your intern year can be credited towards your RoSO.

You must apply for eligible training (to count towards RoSO) before your placement finishes.

Once your placement finishes you must provide evidence by means of a letter of employment or a statutory declaration.

Supporting evidence on completion of your training placement

Please provide supporting evidence once your training placement has finished. This can be in the form of a signed letter on official letterhead from your employer or a contract of employment signed by both parties. Include the following details:

  • The start and end date of your placement.
  • The number of hours worked per week.
  • Your physical work location or locations.
  • Your position title.

You can make a statutory declaration to confirm your RoSO information.

The Attorney-General’s Department have a blank Commonwealth statutory declaration form you can use for this purpose.

Tell us when you attain fellowship

Email us with a copy of your fellowship certificate or a letter from your medical college, stating the date you attained fellowship.

We will then process your RoSO documentation for your review. Once finalised, we will notify Services Australia (Medicare) and tracking of your RoSO will begin.

You will no longer need to apply for eligible training, but you will need to provide evidence annually of your work location.

Confirming your RoSO information

You can make a statutory declaration to confirm your RoSO information. The Attorney-General’s Department have a blank Commonwealth statutory declaration form you can use for this purpose.

See our example document for guidance on how to provide RoSO information in a statutory declaration.

BMP Scheme participants do not need to access BRoSS to report RoSO information. BRoSS is only for Bonded Medical Program participants.


In some circumstances, you can defer your RoSO.

Post-fellowship training

Write to us and supply sufficient evidence and documentation to enable the BMP Scheme Authorised Representative to make an informed decision. Include a copy of your post-fellowship training letter.

Parental leave

Each child born or adopted enables you to defer RoSO for up to 12 months. Tell us in writing before, but no later than 30 days after, this period starts. The deferral period must include the day on which the child was born or adopted, together with supporting documents. Supporting documents means the child/children’s birth certificate (when available) or a statutory declaration stating the date of birth of your child/children. You must tell us the start date and expected end date of the leave.

When returning to work, you must tell us your exact return-to-employment date, employment location(s) and address(es). We can then ask Medicare restart tracking your RoSO.

You must meet the minimum RoSO requirements. If you wish to return to work for less than the minimum required hours after parenting leave, you must request approval to do so.

Provide evidence of your work location each year

Once you have attained fellowship, you must send us evidence of your work location annually. This can be a signed letter on official letterhead from your employer or a contract of employment signed by both parties. You can also provide a statutory declaration (see information above).

Read about what counts as an eligible location for your RoSO, and how to find eligible locations.


Bonded Medical Program contact

Contact us about the Bonded Medical Program, Bonded Medical Places Scheme, Medical Rural Bonded Scholarship Scheme and the Bonded Return of Service System portal. To help us quickly categorise and address your request, include in the subject line: ‘[Scheme/program name] – [your name] – [request]’.
Date last updated:

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