Bonded Medical Places Scheme eligible locations

To reduce their return of service obligation (RoSO), BMP Scheme participants work in locations that need medical practitioners. Find out what counts as an eligible location.

Eligible location definition

We use annual data analysis to identify locations that need medical practitioners and classify them as eligible locations. You can reduce your RoSO by working in such locations. Check your individual DoA/DoV for classifications of eligible locations.

Different classification systems apply to BMP Scheme cohorts:

  • 2004–2015 participants: Rural, remote and metropolitan area (RRMA)/Remoteness area (RA) classifications
  • 2016–2019 participants: Modified Monash Model 2019 classifications.

Working in both eligible and non-eligible locations after attaining fellowship

We call working in both eligible and non-eligible locations ‘simultaneous work approval’. You can do this with authorisation from the department. If you would like to work in a location outside an eligible area, email us and show:

  • how you will simultaneously do your RoSO in an eligible area
  • how your work outside an eligible area will help patients.

Please note any work done in an ineligible location under an authorised simultaneous work approval cannot be used to reduce your RoSO.

On-call service

On-call service is considered equivalent to working if:

  • evidence is provided
  • on-call services are provided from an eligible location
  • time is accrued in accordance with legacy scheme requirements.

Telehealth or fly-in-fly-out (FIFO) work

Providing telehealth or fly-in-fly-out services from an eligible location into an eligible location meets the aims of the BMP Scheme and counts to reduce RoSO. The physical location of the treating doctor determines whether Medicare billing rights can be accessed.

Aboriginal Medical Service

Service provision to an Aboriginal Medical Service (AMS) is eligible under some contracts – refer to your deed of agreement for clarification. In some cases AMS is eligible for organisations which deliver primary health care to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations and receive their core funding from the Commonwealth.

If you are considering work in an AMS, contact us for an eligibility check.

After-Hours-Only Medical Service

Your contract may define a District of Workforce Shortage as including After-Hours-Only Medical Services. In these contracts, all After-Hours-Only Medical Services are considered a District of Workforce Shortage (DWS) or Distribution Priority Area (DPA) for GPs regardless of the location geographic classification.

At an After-Hours-Only Medical Service, no medical services are provided Monday to Friday between 8 am and 6 pm. Please note that medical services that operate in normal business hours, in conjunction with after-hours services, are not considered an After-Hours-Only Medical Service.

The definition of After-Hours-Only Medical Services in your contract may specify hours of operation that do not match the hours of operation at your intended work location. If that is the case, please email us and ask whether the service you intend to work at may be eligible.


Bonded Medical Program contact

Contact us about the Bonded Medical Program, Bonded Medical Places Scheme, Medical Rural Bonded Scholarship Scheme and the Bonded Return of Service System portal. To help us quickly categorise and address your request, include in the subject line: ‘[Scheme/program name] – [your name] – [request]’.
Date last updated:

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