Your choice
As a participant in the Bonded Medical Places Scheme, you can opt in to the Bonded Medical Program, even if you are still completing your medical degree.
We recommend you seek legal advice before making a decision.
Bonded Medical Places Scheme participants who opt in:
- will have a maximum 3-year RoSO for those from 2015 and earlier
- keep their full-time 12-month RoSO for those from 2016 to 2019.
You must complete your RoSO within 18 years from the day you complete your medical degree – any RoSO you already completed will be carried over.
You must also meet the program’s reporting requirements.
You will have access to:
- a more flexible way to complete your RoSO
- simpler administrative processes through the Bonded Return of Service System (BRoSS), which enables you to self-manage your RoSO
- support from Rural Workforce Agencies
- ability to work in areas not eligible for RoSO without having to seek permission
- clear and consistent management of withdrawals.
Opting in is voluntary. If you decide not to opt in, you will remain in the Bonded Medical Places Scheme on your existing deed of agreement.
Bonded Medical Places Scheme participants considering opting in to the Bonded Medical Program should read the obligations fact sheet and the information booklet for legacy scheme participants. You can also watch our webinar.
How to opt in
If you would like to opt in to the Bonded Medical Program, complete and submit our opt in request form. We will check your RoSO details and contact you about completing an agreement to participate.