Our related work
Aged Care Registered Nurses’ Payment to reward clinical skills and leadership
The Australian Government is delivering a payment to registered nurses who work for the same aged care employer for 6 or 12 months.
Aged Care Transition to Practice Program
The Aged Care Transition to Practice (ACTTP) program provides nurses with mentoring, training and support at the start of their career in aged care.
Allied Health Exceptional Claims Scheme (AHECS)
The AHECS helps allied health professionals with the cost of claims that exceed their indemnity cover. Find out who is eligible and how this scheme works.
Allied Health High Cost Claims Scheme (AHHCCS)
The AHHCCS helps indemnity insurers with the cost of large claims against allied health professionals.
Australian Cancer Nursing and Navigation Program
The Australian Cancer Nursing and Navigation Program aims to ensure all people with cancer have access to high quality and culturally safe care.
Australian Nurse–Family Partnership Program
The Australian Nurse–Family Partnership Program supports women who are pregnant with an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander baby to help them become the best mum possible. Nurses make home visits to provide guidance during early pregnancy, the baby's infancy and into toddlerhood.
Australian Rotary Health Rural Nursing Scholarships
We contribute funding for these scholarships, which support nursing students to complete their major clinical placement and graduating year in a rural or remote area. The aim is to encourage students to pursue a nursing career in rural Australia.
Collaborative Arrangements
On 1 November 2024, the legislated need for collaborative arrangements between participating midwives, nurse practitioners and medical practitioners to provide Medicare Benefits Schedule services and prescribe Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme medications was removed.
HELP for Rural Doctors and Nurse Practitioners
This initiative reduces outstanding Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) debt for eligible doctors and nurse practitioners who live and work in rural, remote or very remote areas of Australia.
High Cost Claims Scheme (HCCS)
The HCCS helps medical indemnity insurers with the cost of large claims against doctors, allied health professionals and midwives.
Midwife Professional Indemnity Run-Off Cover Scheme (MPIROCS)
The MPIROCS provides run-off cover to eligible midwives who have stopped private practice. Find out who is eligible and how this scheme works.
Midwife Professional Indemnity Scheme (MPIS)
The MPIS helps indemnity insurers with the cost of claims against midwives in private practice.
National Nursing Workforce Strategy
The National Nursing Workforce Strategy will establish priorities to guide the nursing workforce now and into the future. It will help address workforce challenges, foster collaboration and drive action among stakeholders in shaping the future of workforce planning, investment and reform.
Nurse Practitioner Workforce Plan
The Nurse Practitioner Workforce Plan supports nurse practitioners to deliver health and aged care services. The plan addresses barriers that have prevented them from working to their full potential.
Nursing and allied health scholarships
We fund a range of scholarship opportunities through the Australian College of Nursing including nursing, midwifery, aged care, undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships. Preference is given to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants.
Primary Care Nursing and Midwifery Scholarship Program
The scholarships will enable registered nurses and midwives to undertake postgraduate study. This includes supporting registered nurses to become nurse practitioners and midwives to become endorsed midwives in the primary care and aged care health sector.
Primary health care careers
Find out more about working in primary health care and why it offers a diverse and fulfilling career. Join the team!
Puggy Hunter Memorial Scholarship Scheme
The Puggy Hunter Memorial Scholarship Scheme (PHMSS) assists entry-level First Nations students to complete their studies and join the health workforce. The Scheme is managed by Indigenous Allied Health Australia (IAHA).
Rural Locum Assistance Program (Rural LAP)
Rural LAP provides locums so that rural health professionals can attend continuing professional development or take vacation leave. The program also funds GPs to do extra training so they can become rural locums.
Strengthening the role of the nursing workforce
The initiative supports nurses moving into primary health care and encourages them to have a central role in team-based approaches to delivering care.
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