Apps and tools

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36 results
  • Aged Care Assessor App – Sideloading files

    Aged care assessment organisations can distribute the Aged Care Assessor Application installation files, so their IT Administrator staff can manually install (sideload) the app on a Windows device for assessors.
  • Stoma Appliance Scheme online searchable Schedule

    The Stoma Appliance Scheme Schedule lists all the stoma-related products and appliances that we subsidise under the scheme. You can search the full schedule online.
  • My Aged Care hospital portal

    Authorised hospital staff can use this portal to search for a patient record in My Aged Care. They can view a summary of a patient’s aged care assessment information to help manage hospital discharge planning.
  • Government Provider Management System

    Residential aged care providers can log in to the Government Provider Management System (GPMS) to access reporting applications.
  • Compare health insurance policies

    To compare policies across each of the health insurers operating in Australia, all you need is the type of cover you want, who the policy will cover, and where you live. contains details of every health insurance policy available in Australia.
  • Aged Care Assessor App

    Aged care assessors can use this app to conduct assessments (using the Integrated Assessment Tool or Australian National Aged Care Classification Assessment Tool). If there is no internet, first download client information from the assessor portal and upload the assessment when back in the office.
  • My Aged Care Service and Support Portal

    Approved aged care service providers must use this portal to manage information about their services, their clients and referrals.
  • Hearing Services Program – Voucher scheme eligibility checker

    Use this tool to check your eligibility for the Hearing Services Program voucher scheme. For existing clients, you can also check if your voucher is still current, and who was your last Hearing Services Program provider.
  • Improved payment arrangements for home care – Subsidy estimator and unspent funds examples

    The subsidy estimator and unspent funds examples are guidance materials for home care providers on how claims will work under improved payment arrangements.
  • The Australian Type 2 Diabetes Risk Assessment Tool (AUSDRISK)

    You can use the AUSDRISK tool to estimate your risk of getting type 2 diabetes in the next 5 years.
  • My Aged Care assessor portal

    Aged care assessors must use this portal to manage referrals, assessments and support plans.
  • Supports for Providers of Aged Care: Expertise Directory (SPACED)

    We are trialling the SPACED tool to help Commonwealth Home Support Providers (CHSP) providers access supports, resources, and information offered by Sector Support and Development (SSD) providers.
  • Primary Health Network (PHN) locator

    Use our locator map to find the location, boundaries and contact details of Primary Health Networks (PHNs). You can overlap this with other area boundaries, such as local government areas.
  • My QuitBuddy app

    My QuitBuddy is an app that helps you get, and stay, smoke-free and vape-free. It provides helpful tips to overcome cravings and tracking systems to chart your progress. My QuitBuddy gives you the facts you need to understand the impacts smoking and vaping have on your health.
  • Medical Costs Finder

    The Medical Costs Finder helps you find and understand costs for general practitioners (GPs) and medical specialist services across Australia.
  • Service Finder

    The healthdirect Service Finder is the best way to book a vaccination. Find a clinic near you that suits your needs. You can use the Service Finder to book for yourself, your children, or someone else.
  • Health Workforce Locator

    Use our workforce locator map to check the geographical classification of any location in Australia. The map can tell you if a location is classified as metropolitan, rural or remote and if it has been identified as an area of workforce shortage.
  • Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) app – sideloading files

    Aged care assessment organisations can distribute the Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) installation files so their staff can manually install (sideload) the AN-ACC app on a Windows device.
  • Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) app

    Aged care assessors can use this app to conduct residential aged care funding assessments as part of scheduled visits at Australian Government–funded residential aged care facilities.
  • myAssessor app

    Aged care assessors can use this app to conduct assessments when there is no internet access. Download client information beforehand from the assessor portal and upload the assessment information when you’re back in the office. The app is designed for tablet devices.
  • myAssessor app – sideloading files

    Aged care assessment organisations can distribute the myAssessor installation files so their staff can manually install (sideload) the myAssessor app on a Windows device.
  • Health Products Portal

    The Health Products Portal provides a single digital channel for industry to interact with us about regulated and reimbursed health-related products and services.
  • Aged Care COVID-19 infection control training

    Aged Care COVID-19 infection prevention and control online training is available for approved aged care providers and employees of approved providers. It covers the fundamentals of infection prevention and control for COVID-19 in an aged care setting.
  • Hearing Services Program – Locate a provider

    Use this tool to find a local Hearing Services Program provider. You can search by location or by name.
  • Hearing Services Program – Apply online

    Complete an online application for the Hearing Services Program.