Primary Health Network (PHN) locator

Use our locator map to find the location, boundaries and contact details of Primary Health Networks (PHNs). You can overlap this with other area boundaries, such as local government areas.

Use this tool to find each PHN's boundary and contact information, by clicking on the map, or by selecting:

  • your location – once you give permission, the tool will automatically detect your location and PHN
  • address – start entering the address, then select the correct address from the drop-down menu

You can drag or zoom in or out on the map using the on-screen control or the scroll wheel on your mouse while holding the ctrl key.

You can overlap this with:

  • federal electorates
  • local government areas
  • statistical area 3 (SA3) regions
  • Modified Monash Model
  • PHN boundaries.

Select the check boxes to display any of the above boundaries. Use the accordion to display the legend. 

The information window displays the PHN's:

  • PHN name
  • PHN Code
  • jurisdiction (state or territory)
  • service name
  • physical address
  • postal address
  • contact details
  • website link.

Due to the large amount of data for some regions, please allow some time for the information to load.

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