My Aged Care – Assessor Portal User Guide 14 – Short-term Restorative Care
This guide explains how clinical aged care needs assessors and assessment delegates should enter and manage Short-Term Restorative Care (STRC) details in the My Aged Care assessor portal.
Schedule of Fees and Charges for Residential and Home Care
This schedule applies to people who first entered care on or after 1 July 2014. It also applies to those who entered care before this date and have chosen to be covered by the 1 July 2014 arrangements.
Specialisation verification – final framework
Strategy or framework
The final framework sets out the criteria for specialised care delivery. Aged care providers who deliver specific services that meet diverse needs may apply for specialisation verification.
Budget 2022–23: Home care – supporting senior Australians to remain independent for longer
Fact sheet
A Budget 2022–23 fact sheet.
Review and development of a specialisation verification framework for My Aged Care – Final report
This final report from Australian Healthcare Associates (AHA) outlines the results of a review into selecting special needs specialisations within the My Aged Care system's Find a Provider tool. It also discusses developing a framework to verify specialisations and research on ways to do this.
Your Guide to Short-Term Restorative Care Booklet
Read and order hard copies of this booklet about accessing short-term restorative care.
My Aged Care Process Overview – Short-Term Restorative Care
This diagram shows the key steps that providers should follow when providing short-term restorative care. It provides links, where available, to further guidance information.
Short-Term Restorative Care Programme Manual
This manual guides service delivery under the Short-Term Restorative Care Programme.
Red Tape Reduction in Aged Care Places Management Guide
This guide is intended to provide general information about aged care places management.
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