Flexible care subsidy for the Short-Term Restorative Care (STRC) Programme

We pay approved STRC providers a flexible care subsidy. It is based on the number of allocated places and the daily funding amount set by Ministerial Determination.

About the flexible care subsidy for the STRC Programme

We pay a daily subsidy to approved providers on behalf of each person accessing STRC services.

To receive the subsidy for a client you must:

View all current subsidy rates in the schedule of subsidies and supplements.

The flexible aged care subsidy for STRC is based on the:

  • number of allocated places
  • daily subsidy rate for the STRC Programme.

How to claim

You can only claim the subsidy for the days you have provided care to a client.

Submit the claim online via the Aged Care Provider Portal to Services Australia before the 20th day of each month.

You cannot claim the subsidy for any day a client is on leave from their services.

No aged care subsidy or supplements are payable to your service on the client’s day of departure.

Read more about the MBI in chapter 3.14 of the manual


Services Australia aged care providers enquiry line

Call Services Australia for help with aged care claims and payments. This includes supplement claims, approved provider forms, online claiming registrations, and transitional and respite care extensions.
Date last updated:

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