Communication toolkit
2025 Residents’ Experience Survey communication toolkit
This toolkit provides materials to help residential aged care providers and consumer peak bodies communicate with residents, their families and carers about the Residents’ Experience Survey.
General information
Residents’ Experience Survey – A guide for providers
This guide provides residential aged care providers and staff information about how to participate in the annual Residents' Experience Survey.
Residents’ Experience Survey – A guide for older people in residential aged care
This booklet provides aged care residents information about the Residents' Experience Survey.
Residents’ Experience Survey – Poster
This poster explains the steps that will take place at a residential aged care home on the day of the Residents' Experience Survey.
Residents’ Experience Survey: A guide for older people in residential aged care
This video explains the purpose of the Residents’ Experience Survey, how it works and what to expect if you are asked to participate.
Survey questions and privacy notice
Residents' Experience Survey questions – 2023 onwards
This publication is the list of questions each participating resident is asked during the Residents’ Experience Survey.
Residents’ Experience Survey – participant privacy notice
This privacy notice explains who collects information and what happens to it as part of the Residents' Experience Survey.
Consumer Experience Interview questions – 2022
This publication is the list of questions each participating resident was asked during 2022 Consumer Experience Interviews.
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