About the Residents’ Experience Survey

The Residents’ Experience Survey gives aged care residents the chance to tell us about their experience of living in a residential aged care home. The results help determine residential aged care homes’ Star Rating, and helps providers identify how they can improve their services.

About the survey

The Residents’ Experience Survey is an annual survey that is conducted face to face with residents by an independent third-party on our behalf. It is completely voluntary.

Trained surveyors ask participating residents 14 questions on different topics, including:

  • staff knowledge
  • communication
  • quality care
  • food
  • ways a residential aged care home can improve.

Combined results are publicly available, but responses are anonymous – any identifying information is kept strictly confidential and securely stored.

Why it is important

We introduced the survey in response to the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.

The survey:

  • gives residents a chance to tell us about the care they receive at their residential aged care home
  • provides homes with information on what is working well and what can be improved
  • helps older people and their families and carers make informed choices about their residential aged care home.

Who conducts the survey

Through consultation, we heard from older people, their families and carers that they prefer to share feedback with someone not directly related to their care.

We have engaged independent organisations, HealthConsult and Access Care Network Australia, to work together to conduct the 2024 and 2025 surveys on our behalf.

Their teams visit homes to conduct the surveys face-to-face with residents. The teams are made up of highly trained professionals who are experienced in:

  • conducting surveys
  • engaging respectfully with older people.

They have undergone:

  • police checks
  • working with vulnerable people checks.
  • COVID-19 and influenza vaccinations.

Who takes part in the survey

We aim to survey about 20% of older people living in residential aged care each year.

Residents at each home are randomly selected to participate in the survey. This ensures that every resident has an equal opportunity to have their say.

Participation is voluntary.

Read more about what participating in the survey involves.

Providers’ participation and responsibility

It is voluntary for homes to participate in the survey. Non-participation results in an automatic one-star rating for the Residents’ Experience sub-category of Star Ratings.

We grant exemptions for new homes or those affected by circumstances such as natural disasters or disease outbreaks.

Before the survey begins, our partners send all homes an information pack and contact details to schedule a visit. 

We ask homes to support the survey team and survey participants by providing access to meeting rooms and a map of the facility, and by ensuring staff are not present during the interviews.

Survey rounds

We have completed 2 survey rounds, in 2022 and 2023.

The 2024 survey round is open from February and October 2024.

Learn more

For more information about the Residents’ Experience Survey, see:


Aged Care Residents' Experience Survey contact

Contact us for more information about the Resident’s Experience Surveys and reports.

Access Care Network Australia

For more information about how the survey is conducted please contact our third-party partner, Access Care Network Australia. Together with HealthConsult, they conduct the survey on our behalf.
Date last updated:

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