Key priorities
PHNs manage all aspects of primary health care in their region. They tailor services to meet the individual needs of their communities, in line with priority areas set by the Australian Government. These are:
- mental health
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health
- population health
- health workforce
- digital health
- aged care
- alcohol and other drugs.
PHN program guidelines
We manage the PHN program, including producing policy, managing funding and monitoring performance. We work with key stakeholders as part of supporting the successful delivery of the PHN Program.
The program guidelines steer the work of PHNs. They outline the PHN grant process, eligibility for funding, and the way PHNs should operate.
Primary Health Networks (PHN) grant program guidelines
PHN performance framework
We assess the performance of PHNs every 12 months. We check that they are meeting the program’s objectives, and are helping to improve health care in their regions.
Our performance framework:
- identifies areas for improvement for individual PHNs and for the program
- helps PHNs measure their performance and quality against tangible indicators
- measures the PHN program’s progress towards achieving its objectives.
For each of the key priority areas, we assess whether the PHN is:
- ensuring the health services they commission are providing quality care
- improving access to health care
- supporting coordination of health services
- ensuring long-term change.
We also measure their performance against organisational, local and national indicators, such as unnecessary hospitalisation, childhood immunisation rates and mental health treatment rates.
A 2018 evaluation of the program found that PHNs are critical in delivering sustainable, integrated and safe primary health care to the Australian people. Read the evaluation findings.
Primary Health Networks (PHN) performance and quality framework
PHN program complaints policy
The complaints policy describes how complaints about the PHN program are handled. Complaints are treated seriously, promptly and fairly.
Complaints are reviewed by Ernst and Young (EY), an independent provider for the Department of Health and Aged Care. The outcomes are provided to the department.
To make a complaint about the PHN program, you can send an email or letter to PHN Program Complaints.
If you cannot lodge a complaint via the above methods, you can call our switchboard on 1800 020 103 for assistance.
Your complaint is covered by our Privacy Notice.
Reviews and evaluations
We review and evaluate the program to see what works, what doesn’t and how we can improve it.
An ongoing audit program of PHNs commenced in 2022. A number of PHNs are audited each year to:
- Review whether PHNs are operating in accordance with their funding agreements
- Identify areas where PHNs can improve.
In 2022, audits were undertaken of the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Queensland PHNs. Summary reports of these audits are available at the links above.
Data resources
Researchers doing geospatial and data analysis can use the concordance files based on:
- Australian Statistical Geography Standards
- Local Government Areas
- Postal Areas
- Commonwealth Electoral Divisions.
Legislation and regulations
The PHN program is governed by the Commonwealth Grants Rules and Guidelines 2017 under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013.