Primary Health Networks (PHN) performance and quality framework

This performance and quality framework helps measure how the work of the PHNs is helping to achieve the program’s objectives. It helps PHNs measure their performance across the 7 priority areas against several indicators.


PHN performance and quality framework

Appendix A – Program logics

Appendix B – Indicator specifications

Appendix C – PHN Performance Report

Primary Health Network Program Annual Performance Report 2019-20

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Publication date:
Date last updated:
Publication type:
Health sector

This document includes:

  • introduction
  • conceptual framework
  • performance indicators
  • capable organisations
  • interpreting indicators
  • performance and quality reporting
  • assessment.

The PHN Program Performance and Quality Framework (the Framework) introduced a set of program outcomes across 5 themes:

  1. addressing needs,
  2. supporting quality care,
  3. improving access,
  4. coordinated care and
  5. capable organisations.

Performance indicators are used to measure the performance and outcome of the PHN Program as a whole and a subset of the indicators used to measure individual PHNs’ progress towards achieving the outcomes for the PHN Program.

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