Services available in the MPS Program
Flexible aged care places allocated to MPS providers are designated as either:
- residential aged care
- residential respite care
- home care.
MPS providers can deliver services flexibly. This means allocated places can be adjusted between residential and home settings to best meet the changing needs of your local community.
Residential care
MPS providers must provide residential aged care and at least one other service, such as:
- acute or sub-acute care
- primary care
- other health services.
Residential care involves providing personal and nursing care in an aged care setting and includes:
- accommodation
- furniture
- furnishings
- equipment
- appropriate staff
- meals
- cleaning services.
Respite care
Some MPS provide residential respite care, which gives a short-term break to carers and those they care for.
There is no limit to the number of respite care days available per year to someone in a MPS. The length of stay is negotiated directly with the service.
Home care
Some MPS provide flexible care in the home. This is tailored to the person’s specific care needs to help them stay in their own home.
Home care services include:
- personal care services
- social support
- continence management
- assistance with activities of daily living.
If you offer home care, your requirements are different from the Home Care Packages Program.
You don’t have to:
- use a consumer-directed care model
- have an individual budget for the client.
However, you are expected to consider your clients’ choices and preferences when planning and providing home care services.
You can become a Home Care Packages provider if you meet the requirements.
How to find a Multi-Purpose Service
You can find an MPS by:
- searching for residential care on the My Aged Care website
- checking our map of MPS locations.