Charging for Multi-Purpose Services (MPS) Program services

Older people accessing aged care services from an approved MPS provider are expected to help with the cost by paying fees, if they can afford to do so. Find out what fees you may charge as a provider.

Charging for MPS Program services

We provide funding for approved MPS providers for aged care services. 

As a provider, you can also ask people accessing services to help with the costs by paying fees and charges. People accessing care may ask you to provide more information about these costs.

As an MPS provider, you may charge:

  • a daily care fee 
  • an accommodation payment in certain circumstances (see below).

Daily care fee

For residents of your MPS, this fee is intended to help cover the costs of daily living like meals, cleaning, laundry, heating and cooling. As an MPS provider, you can decide the amount payable. But you must :

  • not charge more than what was agreed with the person accessing care
  • offer to enter into an accommodation agreement.

Daily care fees can also be charged for the delivery of  home care services.

Accommodation payment

When a resident enters permanent residential care in an MPS, they may need to pay an accommodation payment to cover the costs of their accommodation. 

This happens where the provider has published an accommodation price and the resident’s means assessment indicates they must pay an accommodation payment. 

The resident’s means are determined via a pre-entry means assessment from Services Australia. 

  • If a resident is determined not to be eligible for Commonwealth Government assistance for their accommodation costs, or insufficient information is provided for a means assessment to be determined, the person must pay the room price agreed with their MPS provider as an accommodation payment. 
  • If a resident would ordinarily be eligible for Commonwealth Government assistance with their accommodation costs for mainstream residential care services, an MPS provider cannot charge the resident for accommodation. This means residents cannot be charged an accommodation contribution. However, other fees may apply.


  • MPS providers should be aware that a residential aged care fees notice issued by Services Australia following a means assessment may include information inconsistent with the above. This is because it is intended to provide advice for individuals who will access mainstream residential care services. It does not apply to services delivered by an MPS provider.
  • If you charge or hold accommodation bonds or refundable accommodation deposits (RAD), you have the same prudential responsibilities as mainstream residential aged care approved providers. The Accommodation Bond Guarantee Scheme covers the accommodation bonds and RADs you collect.
Date last updated:

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