About the scheme
The MRBS Scheme has closed to new applicants. It accepted participants between 2001 and 2015.
This scheme provided participants with a scholarship and a Commonwealth supported place at a medical school in an Australian university.
In exchange, once they had graduated, participants agreed to work for a specified period in a rural or remote area. We call this a ‘return of service obligation’ (RoSO).
The scheme aims to increase the number of qualified doctors working in regional, rural and remote areas. This ensures that Australia’s medical workforce is well distributed, flexible and targeted to areas of most need.
For the full details about the scheme, read your contract and the Medical Rural Bonded Scholarship Scheme student information booklet.
Participant obligations
As a participant in the Medical Rural Bonded Scholarship Scheme, you must meet certain requirements.
- Become a medical practitioner within 10 years of commencing the medical course.
- Attain fellowship within 16 years of commencing the medical course.
- Begin RoSO within 12 months of attaining first fellowship.
- Complete RoSO in an approved regional, rural, or remote area in line with your contract Deed of Agreement (DoA) or Deed of Variation (DoV).
- Only provide professional services in an eligible location or locations from the date you attain fellowship.
- RoSO is 20 hours per week (or 80 hours over the month).
- Work at least 9 months of each full calendar year.
- Work at least 3 months in any period of 6 consecutive months unless the Minister for Health has otherwise agreed.
- Provide evidence of employment on an annual basis by means of a letter of employment or a statutory declaration.
- Update your contact details with us as your circumstances change.
Read our MRBS Scheme obligations fact sheet.
Read more about your RoSO.
How to get a copy of your contract
Email us using the subject line:
MRBS – [Your name] – Requesting a copy of my contract.