When you can start
You can only start reducing your RoSO after you have attained fellowship.
Tell us when you attain fellowship
Email us with a copy of your fellowship certificate or a letter from your medical college, stating the date you attained fellowship.
We will then process your RoSO documentation for your review. Once finalised, we will notify Services Australia (Medicare) and tracking of your RoSO will begin.
Confirming your RoSO information
Please provide supporting evidence once your training placement has finished. This can be in the form of a signed letter on official letterhead from your employer or a contract of employment signed by both parties. Include the following details:
- The start and end date of your placement.
- The number of hours worked per week.
- Your physical work location or locations.
- Your position title.
You can make a statutory declaration to confirm your RoSO information. The Attorney-General’s Department have a blank Commonwealth statutory declaration form you can use for this purpose.
See our example document for guidance on how to provide RoSO information in a statutory declaration.
MRBS Scheme participants do not need to access BRoSS to report RoSO information. BRoSS is only for Bonded Medical Program participants.
In some circumstances, you can defer your RoSO.
Post-fellowship training
Write to us and supply sufficient evidence and documentation to enable the MRBS Authorised Representative to make an informed decision. Include a copy of your post-fellowship training letter.
Parental leave
Each child born or adopted enables you to defer RoSO for up to 12 months. Tell us in writing before, but no later than 30 days after, this period starts. The deferral period must include the day on which the child was born or adopted, together with supporting documents. Supporting documents means the child/children’s birth certificate (when available) or a statutory declaration stating the date of birth of your child/children. You must tell us the start date and expected end date of the leave.
When returning to work, you must tell us your exact return-to-employment date, employment location(s) and address(es). We can then ask Medicare restart tracking your RoSO.
You must meet the minimum RoSO requirements. If you wish to return to work for less than the minimum required hours after parenting leave, you must request approval to do so.
Read about what counts as an eligible location for your RoSO, and how to find eligible locations.