Home Care Packages Program resources

A list of resources – including guides, fact sheets and other publications – for home care providers.


Monthly Statement resources

The Better Practice Home Care Packages (HCP) resources have been designed to support providers to improve the overall quality of their HCP statements, making it easier for care recipients to understand and be supported to make informed choices around the use of Package funds for their care.

National summary of home care prices

To further improve the transparency of Home Care Package pricing for senior Australians, their families and carers, the Department of Health publishes national median prices for common home care services, care management and package management. This data is updated quarterly.

Fact sheets and brochures

National summary of Home Care Package prices – 30 September 2024

To further improve the transparency of Home Care Package pricing for senior Australians, their families and carers, the Department of Health publishes national median prices for common home care services, care management and package management. This data is updated quarterly.

Guidelines and procedures

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guide for Home Care Providers

This guide is for providers of aged care and disability services who offer home care and support services to older people living at home and people with disability living in the community. It provides information and guidance on how to stay safe from coronavirus (COVID-19).


Strategies and frameworks

Specialisation verification – final framework

The final framework sets out the criteria for specialised care delivery. Aged care providers who deliver specific services that meet diverse needs may apply for specialisation verification.

Templates and forms


Home Care Packages Program - changes to Financial Reporting requirements and upcoming Program Assurance Reviews

This webinar will provide information on the changes to financial reporting requirements for Home Care Packages (HCP) Program approved providers and the start of HCP Program Assurance Reviews.

Key findings from the first Home Care Packages Program review

Watch our webinar to hear the findings from the review of HCP indirect and care management charges and practical ways care recipients can engage with providers about these changes. The webinar is relevant to everyone, including HCP providers, peak bodies, care recipients and their families.

Capping Home Care Package Administration and Management Charges – 1 December 2022

This webinar is for Home Care Package providers. It will provide an update on pricing changes commencing 1 January 2023.

Home Care Package provider webinar – program inclusions and exclusions

This webinar is for Home Care Packages providers and peak bodies.

Home Care Packages (HCP) Program Assurance Reviews – Unspent funds and pricing transparency on My Aged Care

This webinar is about the key learnings and outcomes of the Home Care Packages (HCP) Program Assurance Reviews on provider self-reported unspent amounts and pricing transparency on My Aged Care.

Home Care Packages (HCP) Program Assurance Review on excluded items – Webinar

Home Care Package providers and interested stakeholders heard about the key learnings and outcomes of the latest HCP Program assurance review on excluded items.
Date last updated:

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