Subsidy increase in the Home Care Packages Program

The Home Care Packages subsidy will rise on 1 March 2025. This will help cover any reasonable increases to prices resulting from providers paying their nurses increased award wages.

The Fair Work Commission award wage increase for registered and enrolled nurses in aged care

The Australian Government is supporting the Fair Work Commission’s final decision in the Aged Care Work Value Case for an increase to award wages for registered and enrolled nurses working in the aged care sector.

To support providers to pass on the award wage increase, the government will increase the Home Care Packages subsidy by 0.10% from 1 March 2025. 

On 1 July 2025, the Home Care Packages Program will transition to the new Support at Home program. The government will continue to support the award wage increases for aged care nurses under Support at Home. 

Read more about better and fairer wages for aged care workers.

Subsidy increase

The subsidy will increase by:

  • 0.10% from 1 March 2025. 

This table outlines the current daily Home Care Package subsidy rate and the rate to apply from 1 March 2025.

Package levelDaily rate from 1 January 2025Daily rate from 1 March 2025 
Level 1$29.28$29.31
Level 2$51.49$51.54
Level 3$112.07$112.18
Level 4$169.90$170.07

What providers need to do

You must pay your registered and enrolled nurses at least the new award wage rates from 1 March 2025.

Not all providers employ registered or enrolled nurses so further pricing reviews and Home Care Agreement updates may not be required by all providers.

However, if you need to increase charges for care and services delivered by nurses receiving increased award wages, you must:

  • discuss the changes with care recipients, including:
    • what prices are changing
    • why the prices need to change
    • what those prices include
    • when the new prices will start
  • renegotiate prices with care recipients and gain their consent
  • update Home Care Agreements
  • update pricing schedules
  • publish prices on My Aged Care.

Providers must set reasonable and justifiable prices for care and services.

See more information on settingpublishing or charging prices.

What care recipients need to do

Care recipients should see no change in their services or hours of care.

Providers may need to increase how much they charge for the care and services delivered by their nurses who will get an increase in award wages.

Providers are responsible for discussing pricing increases with care recipients and gain their consent to update the care recipient’s Home Care Agreement. A provider cannot change a care recipient’s Home Care Agreement and increase prices without their consent.

More information

For assistance navigating these changes, see:


Home Care Packages Program wage rise contact

Contact us for enquiries about the aged care wage rise for home care workers.
Date last updated:

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