About the Allied Health Exceptional Claims Scheme (AHECS)

The AHECS protects allied health professionals (including midwives) against personal liability for claims against them that exceed their indemnity cover.

What is the AHECS

The AHECS helps allied health professionals with the cost of claims that exceeds their indemnity cover. It protects them against personal liability.

The AHECS is one of the Australian Government’s medical and midwife indemnity insurance schemes.

If the claim does not exceed the insurance cover, insurers may be able to access help through the Allied Health High Cost Claims Scheme.

Why is it important


  • removes the risk of allied health professionals being personally liable for malpractice claims against them
  • helps them to focus on providing high quality health care.

Who is it for

The AHECS is for allied health professionals, including midwives, who meet the eligibility criteria.

What it covers

The AHECS covers the cost of claims against eligible allied health professionals once it exceeds their insurance cover limit. Find out more about coverage under the AHECS.

How it works

If an eligible allied health professional has a claim made against them:

  • they, their representative, or their indemnity insurer can apply for an AHECS payment
  • Services Australia (the agency that administers the AHECS):
    • confirms it is for an eligible claim
    • makes an AHECS payment to the applicant.

The insurer and the AHECS payment covers the cost of the eligible claim. The allied health professional will also need to pay an excess amount if they agreed to one in their insurance contract.

Find out more about who pays for the claim and how it is paid.


The government set up the AHECS under the Medical Indemnity Act 2002. Find out about the legislation that supports indemnity schemes.


Medical and professional indemnity insurance contact

Contact us for general enquiries about the medical indemnity insurance schemes for privately practising doctors, allied health professionals and midwives. You can also contact us if you have general enquiries about medical and professional indemnity insurance policy.

Services Australia medical indemnity team

Contact this team for queries about applications and payments under the medical and midwife professional indemnity insurance schemes.
Date last updated:

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