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551 results
PHI 11/25 Second-tier updates
Hospital and second-tier updates. -
PHI 10/25 Private Health Insurance Legislation Amendment Rules (No. 2) 2025
Private health insurance clinical category and procedure type updates following Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) item changes from 31 January and 1 July 2025. -
PHI 09/25 Release of stakeholder feedback summary – CIED and the cost of TSS stage 1
We have released a high-level summary of submissions to Consultation Paper 9 – Cardiac implantable electronic devices and the cost of technical support services. -
PHI 08/25 Hospital Updates
PHI 07/25 Hospital and Second-tier updates
Hospital and second-tier updates. -
PHI 06/25 Public hospital declarations
Notice of new hospital declaration status -
PHI 05/25 – Outcome of Consultation Papers 8a and 8b
The measures proposed in these consultation papers will not be legislated -
PHI 04/25 Public hospital declaration
Notice of new hospital declaration status. -
PHI 03/25 Private hospital revocation
Notice of new or amended hospital declaration status and/or second-tier default benefit eligibility. -
PHI 02/25 Private hospital declaration
Notice of new private hospital declaration. -
PHI 01/25 Private hospital revocations
Notice of new or amended hospital declaration status and/or second-tier default benefit eligibility -
PHI 102/24 Clarifying definitions under the current Prescribed List Grouping Scheme
We are clarifying the definitions for some Prescribed List groups under the current Grouping Scheme -
PHI 101/24 Public hospital declarations
Notice of new hospital declaration status. -
PHI 100/24 Private Health Insurance Legislation Amendment Rules (No. 1) 2025
Private health insurance clinical category and procedure type updates following Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) item changes from 1 January 2025. -
PHI 99/24 Prescribed List billing code format AXNNN
The billing code format has been finalised and is commencing on 1 March 2025. -
PHI 98/24 – Update on stage 2 of surgical guides and biomodels post-listing review
Update to the Terms of Reference and timeframes. -
PHI 97/24 Retention of Lifetime Health Cover (LHC) Information
Requirement for insurers to keep information for the purposes of calculating the LHC loading throughout the lifetime of a person. -
PHI 95/24 – Commencement date of Prescribed List benefit amounts
Clarification of the date when benefit amounts in the Prescribed List commence -
PHI 96/24 Prescribed List post-listing review framework
Release of the Prescribed List post-listing review framework. -
PHI 94/24 Hospital and Second-tier updates
Hospital and second-tier updates. -
PHI 93/24 Evaluation of the Prescribed List reforms - Release of the interim evaluation report 1
We have released the first interim report for evaluation of the Prescribed List reforms -
PHI 92/24 Second-tier updates
Second-tier updates -
PHI 91/24 Private hospital declaration
Notice of new private hospital declaration. -
PHI 90/24 Release of stakeholder feedback analysis report – Part B reforms
We have released the analysis of stakeholder feedback in relation to PricewaterhouseCoopers’ report and recommendations on reforms to Part B -
PHI 89/24 Notification about National Joint Replacement Registry (NJRR) matters
Notification about the 2024-25 Cost Recovery Implementation Statement (CRIS) and the annual NJRR levy
This circular is to advise stakeholders of two matters related to the National Joint Replacement Registry (NJRR).