Our related work
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Pharmacy Scholarship Scheme
This scholarship scheme encourages Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to undertake undergraduate or graduate entry studies in pharmacy at an Australian university.
Advanced Skills Training Posts Rural Generalists and General Practitioners Program (AST Program)
Each year, the AST Program supports 15 advanced skills posts for general practitioner (GP) registrars, rural generalist (RG) registrars and fellowed RGs or GPs. Learn about the program, who is eligible, and how to participate.
Aged Care Transition to Practice Program
The Aged Care Transition to Practice (ACTTP) program provides nurses with mentoring, training and support at the start of their career in aged care.
Approved Medical Deputising Services (AMDS) program
The Approved Medical Deputising Services (AMDS) program enables non-vocationally recognised doctors to access Medicare benefits for providing after-hours services on behalf of other doctors. This helps them get general practice experience, while ensuring people can access health care after hours.
Approved Private Emergency Department (APED) Program
Through the APED Program, advanced specialist trainees doing their emergency medicine training can work under supervision in a private hospital for 12 months and access relevant Medicare items. This helps increase the number of emergency medicine specialists in Australia.
Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) Program
The AGPT Program is a way to become a general practitioner (GP) in Australia. Registrars who complete the program can work unsupervised as a GP anywhere in the country. We fund 1,500 training places every year. Australia’s GP colleges deliver this program for us.
Australian Rotary Health Indigenous Health Scholarships
We contribute funding to these scholarships that help students with their day-to-day expenses and provide mentoring support while they undertake a course in health-related professions.
Australian Rotary Health Rural Medical Scholarships
We contribute funding to these scholarships, which support medical students to complete a year at a Rural Clinical School. The aim is to encourage students to practice medicine in rural Australia.
Australian Rotary Health Rural Nursing Scholarships
We contribute funding for these scholarships, which support nursing students to complete their major clinical placement and graduating year in a rural or remote area. The aim is to encourage students to pursue a nursing career in rural Australia.
Bonded Medical Places Scheme
The Bonded Medical Places Scheme has closed to new applicants. Existing participants can either continue with this scheme or opt in to the more flexible Bonded Medical Program.
Commonwealth Qualified Privilege Scheme
This scheme grants qualified privilege to certain quality assurance activities to prevent the release of identifying information. This encourages more health professionals to take part in activities that assess and improve the quality of health services.
Cosmetic surgery
Cosmetic surgery has risks. If you’re considering cosmetic surgery, it’s important to do your research using reliable sources of information. Find out about cosmetic surgery in Australia and how to make an informed decision about your procedure.
Cosmetic surgery reforms
Find out what we’re doing to make cosmetic surgery safer in Australia.
COVID-19 surge health workforce package
The COVID-19 pandemic placed an enormous burden on our health services and the people who work in it. The Australian Government is working with key stakeholders to tackle these challenges and maintain our world-class healthcare system.
DoctorConnect provides information to international medical graduates and their employers. It aims to help international medical graduates understand the steps required to work as a doctor in Australia, where they can work and restrictions on billing patients under Medicare.
End of Life Law for Clinicians (ELLC)
This project helps clinicians learn about end-of-life law and the effects this has on end-of-life care and palliative care for patients.
First Nations Health Worker Traineeship Program
This program supports up to 500 First Nations students to undertake accredited training in the health sector. We fund the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) to deliver the program.
Five Year International Medical Graduates Recruitment Scheme
The Five Year International Medical Graduates Recruitment Scheme improves access to doctors in rural and remote areas. It increases the supply of doctors to work in these areas where their services are needed the most.
Flexible Approach to Training in Expanded Settings (FATES)
The Flexible Approach to Training in Expanded Settings (FATES) program funds non-general practitioner specialist medical training approaches. It aims to broaden the skills of the specialist workforce, bring more specialists to regional areas, and ensure all Australians can access high-quality care.
General Practitioner Procedural Training Support Program (GPPTSP)
The General Practitioner Procedural Training Support Program (GPPTSP) aims to improve maternity services for women living in rural and remote areas. It supports general practitioners (GPs) in those areas to gain procedural skills in anaesthetics and obstetrics.
Health Workforce Scholarship Program (HWSP)
This program provides scholarships and bursaries to existing health professionals committed to rural and remote service. It supports the cost of completing postgraduate and short courses, attending accredited industry conferences, or completing vocational education and training courses.
HELP for Rural Doctors and Nurse Practitioners
This initiative reduces outstanding Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) debt for eligible doctors and nurse practitioners who live and work in rural, remote or very remote areas of Australia.
Home Care Workforce Support Program
We help the aged care sector to grow the home care workforce with targeted support for providers to recruit and retain home care workers. The Home Care Workforce Program will cease on 30 June 2024 to be replaced by a new program in late 2024.
Independent review of complexity in the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme
An independent review of the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (NRAS) has started. The review will look for complex or unnecessary processes within the NRAS. It aims to improve regulatory outcomes and keep Australians safe by providing high-quality health care.
Independent review of health practitioner regulatory settings
National Cabinet has commissioned a review of Australia’s regulatory settings for health professionals. It will consider ways to help ease health workforce shortages while maintaining high standards in health care quality and patient safety.
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